This section contains 931 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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Reactions to the Beast in "Lord of the Flies"
The "beastie" is an unknown force, a frightening phenomenon. It causes different insecurities and reactions. Explore how the following characters react to the idea of the beast.
The beast is one of the most important symbols in the novel. Although it is imaginary not all the boys realise this and it is something that petrifies the entirety of the boys. As the boys grow more and more savage there belief in the beast grows stronger and stronger its significance increases and becomes more pronounced. The boys behaviour is what keeps the beast alive in their minds, the worse they behave the more real the beast becomes. Each of the boys seemed to react in their own way to the beast.
Only one boy, Simon allows himself to realise that the beast is not real but only lives inside their minds. At first though he does...
This section contains 931 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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