Student Essay on Otto von Bismark the "Iron Chancellor"

Otto von Bismark the "Iron Chancellor"

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The "Iron Chancellor" was Otto von Bismark, Chancellor of Prussia. He got Prussia involved in three wars while trying to obtain German Unification.

First, there was the Danish War. During this war, Bismark formed an alliance with Austria and fought against Denmark to gain control of Schleswig and Holstein. After winning this war, Prussia received Schleswig and Austria Holstein.

Next, Bismark became involved in the Seven Weeks War when he declares war on his former ally, Austria, for control of Holstein. He wins this war, which means that he finally received Holstein, along with several other north-German states.

Finally, there is the Franco-Prussian War. This occurred when Bismark forged the EMS Dispatch from Kaiser William I, making it seem as if the Kaiser had insulted France. France proceeded to declare war on Prussia, but Bismark won once again in a matter of a few weeks.

Through these three wars the "Iron Chancellor" was able to obtain German Unification.