Student Essay on Dolley Madison

Dolley Madison

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Dolley Madison

Dolley Madison was one remarkable women. She was married to James Madison after her first husband died. James took care of Dolley and her son from previous marriage. When Madison was appointed secretary of state. They moved to Washington city. The president then Jefferson did not have an official hostess, therefore Dolley served in that capacity and did a very good job. When her husband took presidency she became the first ever First Lady. What a remarkable one she was. She was never forgotten. She took care of everything in the house from making "the President's House" Americas house. She decorated with portraits of military heroes, statesmen and historic scenes. When it came time for state dinners she made it into lavishing events. You can tell that she was the head of things around the house. When it came time to eat she sat at the head of the table while her husband sat at her side. She made things for American women easier in some ways. She got women more respect by doing things her way and showing that women did know what they were doing in politics. She was very much respected by people everywhere. She showed how important her political prowess was and importance not only to her husband's presidency but also to Jefferson. She was the most important women in American social circles and is still known as the best First Ladies ever in the White House.