Student Essay on Legalization of Addictive Drugs

Legalization of Addictive Drugs

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There are a lot of discussions about legalization of drugs. Different people think in different ways about this problem, and there is no a common consent about this issue. On my opinion, in solution of this problem, legalization of drugs is the lesser of two evils.

The US government spends about ninety billion of dollars per year for the war on drugs. Additionally, the mafia earns somewhere the same amount from selling drugs. It causes many troubles for government, but drugs cause more troubles for people that use them. I believe that legalization of drugs should change this situation for the better. By legalizing drugs the government will take away a "fat piece" of mafia's income. There is a direct relation between the amount of money that mafia "earns," and the level of terrorism in the world. So, legalization of drugs should reduce terrorism in the world. After legalization, the government instead of criminals would regulate drugs. There is important difference between these two approaches. When drugs are selling by mafia, they are always shown as nice-to-try stuff, and often they are given for free for first time. But many drugs are addictive from first time. This situation cannot occur when the government will be responsible for it. The appropriate advertising, which will show the results using of drugs, must also reduce number of drugs users. Finally, we can compare our drugs using level to appropriate level of countries, where drugs are legalized already.

It can sound paradoxical, but it looks like legalization of drugs indeed, must reduce the number of drug addiction victims.