Student Essay on Wringer


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Wringer is a book that takes place in a small town called Waymer. Waymer is a nice little town in the United States. It is well known for its pigeon shoot every year. Before the pigeon shoot is a week long Family Fest.

First of all, a boy named Palmer has his 9th birthday party. He invites his new friends, Beans, Mutto, and Henry. Beans was the leader of the group. The guys gave him a new nickname for a gift. It was Snots. The guys couldn't wait to be a wringer and go out and wring the necks of pigeons during the pigeon shoot. Palmer didn't want to be a wringer though.

One day Palmer sees a pigeon outside of his window. He calls it Nipper. The guys eventually find out about Nipper and try to kill him. Palmer loves his pigeon and does not want to be a wringer no matter what. He decides for Nipper's own safety he must let him go. His neighbor, Dorothy Grutzik wants to help save Nipper. He tells her to let him go some place safe. Dorothy did something very stupid. She put him in the railroad yards.

The week of Family Fest was fun for everyone as usual. But on the day of the pigeon shoot, Palmer was afraid Nipper would be killed. The railroad yards are where the men capture the pigeons to be shot. At the pigeon shoot, the last box opened up. A bird flew out and landed on Palmer's head. As Palmer walked away with Nipper, he heard a boy say, "Can I have one too Daddy"" This probably led to the same story. In conclusion, Wringer was a great book.