To Kill a Mockingbird Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird, Movie vs Book.

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird, Movie vs Book.
This section contains 125 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

To Kill a Mockingbird, Movie vs Book

Summary: This essay/short answers describes the difference between the movie and the book version of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Whites found it offensive that Tom Robinson felt sorry for Mayella Ewell. Since Tom black and he was the one getting in trouble for hurting the white girl. In the town black people were looked down on, and if someone who is looked down on takes pitty on someone, then the whites see it in a shameful way.

When Tom was shot and they told everyone he was trying to escape, I don't believe he really was trying to escape. I think that one of the officers got angry. Tom knew he wasn't guilty and that he could most likely get off on an appeal. Tom seemed passive,like he would have given it some time before he tried to escape or anything.

This section contains 125 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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