Student Essay on Learning a New Language

Learning a New Language

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Learning a new language is a great thing. It is fun, interesting and can lead to great opportunities.

When you learn a new language, you are exposed to new things. You also learn their culture and the way the people live and the food they eat. It is often fascinating when you find out how different other people's way of living is compared to your own.

It would be great to learn a new language. For example, if you have a passion for France and maybe on day you will have a chance to travel or live in France. It would be an advantage if you know French, even if you know just a little, you do not have to be fluent. Just as long as you can communicate, that way you can learn even more. There would also be less chance that you might be cheated there, because you can understand what they are saying.

Learning a new language can also lead you to a great job overseas and many other opportunities. This may happen if you work in a large company and they need to send someone over to Germany for a business meeting. You would have they advantage if you know German. There's a high chance that you will be chosen. A great opportunity would be meeting a native speaker and you can talk to them and learn ever more about their language and culture.

There are much more reasons to learn a new language. It is a great way to learn more things. Like the saying 'Knowledge is power.' The more you learn the better. So next time you are looking for a new hobby or choosing subjects in school, why not pick up a new language and expand you knowledge?