Student Essay on The Twelfth Juror

The Twelfth Juror

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Background: The story took place in London.

Characters: Edward Carne is a round character, it is explained why he is the main suspect in the trial and why he was proven not guilty.
Frances Carne (19) is a round character, it is explained why she killed her mother and Blossom.
Robert Quinn (38) is a flat character, it is not explained why he decided to investigate further into the case while he is a jury member.
Roy McNair is a round character, for he plays his role as the defending council.
Gordon Breddon is a round character, for he plays his role as the barrister.

The narrator tells the story.

Structure: The story is divided in chapters. It goes on day by day. There're flashbacks to scene's that had happened.

Motifs: Frances keeps on drinking alcohol in order to keep her calm.

Genre: Detective

Central theme: I think this book was written to show people what others go through in times of trial. But I think the main idea is to show people no matter what you do it will always catch up on you.

Language: In this story the writer uses a lot of big words, so in order for me to understand I had to look them up but besides that it was easy to read.

This book was quite moving. The book was so interesting that you find yourself wanting to continue reading to fin out what happens next. The world is described realistic for it is something that goes on in our every day life.