Student Essay on American Indians Today

American Indians Today

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American Indians Today

Today there are about half a million Indians in the US. The Indians still speak more than hundred different languages. A few have made money from oil and other natural sources found in their lands, but many thousands live at near starvation levels. They are in all stages of development. Some are completely assimilated in white society, and many live in isolation from non-Indians. Relocation programs have taken hundreds of indians to work in the cities, and thousands live in one of the 300 existing federal reservations, hoping to gain education and assistance necessary to develop the recources of their lands and become selfsustaining. Some resevatins are resticted to one tribe, others are jointly held.

About one half of the indian population now live in cities. The greatest concentration of urban indians are found in Los Angeles, California. Other cities with a large number of Indians are San Fransisco, Oakland, Oklahoma, New York and Seattle.

The Native American population is young and growing: 39% of its population are under 20years of age, compared with 29% of nation's total population. Generally, the Indians are still proud of their traditions and heritage, and resist giving them up. The Indians generally also want to raise their standard of living.