Student Essay on Assault Rifle Debate

Assault Rifle Debate

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In conclusion high-powered assault rifles should not be allowed for civilians. They serve no sporting purpose. Those guns are made only for killing people. Gun control works and was proven effective many times before. For example the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into effect in 1994, are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates. Assault rifles are a danger to police officers because they are too powerful and are capable of going through bulletproof vests. Many police departments are upgrading their .38 caliber revolvers to 9mm semi-automatic pistols because they are unable to keep up with the firepower. Assault rifles sometimes end up in the wrong hands. Just last October a gunmen known as the D.C. Sniper shot and killed ten people around the Washington D.C. area. If there was a stricter gun law that might not have happed. Assault rifles serve no purpose. They are made for the military. All you need to ward off an intruder is a handgun or mace.