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Symbolism in 'Lord of the Flies'
Symbolism in 'Lord of the Flies'
Examples from book used
If there are five people, including you, in a desert, and you only have a cup of water, it is hard to decide either you drink it all, or share it. It is because survival instincts exist in everyone's body as well as their reasoning powers. Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about a group of young boys who have to survive in a deserted island. But symbolically, this novel also shows how the needed and smart people are ignored, savageness hides inside every person and the anything that scares people is actually their own self.
The smart people who are desperately needed in any societies are ignored and pressured by unjustified powers. In this novel, the lines "I've been wearing specs since I was three...can't catch my breath."(Golding, p...
This section contains 852 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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