This section contains 359 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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The Crucible and Abigail Williams
Summary: A persuasive essay that is defending Abigail Williams of being accused of being a witch in Arthur Miller's "The Crucible."
Well, lets see here. Abigail Williams first of all, is not a very well liked person in the community. That in turn doesn't give her a very good chance in coming into this court with a chance of being not guilty. So, I am asking you to judge Abigail by what she says, and not what some drunk, or disliking person would say about her. Ask her close friends, and relatives instead. You might just find some astonishing facts rather some absurd remarks about Abigail.
Lets examine what has been said about Abigail, on that dreaded day. The town has been saying that all of the girls, including Abigail were dancing in the forest. Not only that, but that they were talking to the devil. Now supposedly Abigail drank blood to "kill" Goody Proctor, and we all know that a girl wouldn't drink chicken blood. Ask any girl...
This section contains 359 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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