Student Essay on Cell Analogies

Cell Analogies

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Cell Membrane example: a factory with a fence around it. The fence represents nucleus surrounding it.

Cytoplasm example: In a city, telephone poles are held up by wires and poles. Cytoplasm's function is to hold structures called organelles inside the cell.

Nucleus example: central office in a factory where everything is controlled. A nucleus has a function to control headquarters in the control center.

Nucleolus example: In a factory where money is made. A nucleolus function is to make ribosome's.

Rough ER example: a place in a factory where everything all of the products are being made. A rough ER's function is to make proteins.

Smooth ER example: In a city with a back that stores money and people can get money from it any time. Smooth ER is similar to this because its function is to store proteins to be exported later.

Ribosome example: assembly line in a factory where things are being put together. Things that are being put together represents ribosome's function of assembling proteins

Golgi Appartus example: in a factory where everything is sorted (i.e. defective products, good products, and modifies products) A Golgi Appartus has a function of sorting, modifies, packages, and distributes proteins.

Mitochondria example: power house of a factory. Its function deals with energy storage, which represent the power house.

Lysosome example: In a city when a garbage truck comes and takes all of the trash, which is later burned. A lysosomes function is to digest food particles and organelles.