The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1.

The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1.

As we passed slowly and cautiously through the canon the Indians ran rapidly away, and when we reached the farther end they had entirely disappeared from our front, except one old fellow, whose lame horse prevented him keeping up with the main body.  This presented an opportunity for gaining results which all thought should not be lost, so our guide, an Indian named “Cut-mouth John,” seized upon it, and giving hot chase, soon, overtook the poor creature, whom he speedily killed without much danger to himself, for the fugitive was armed with only an old Hudson’s Bay flint-lock horse-pistol which could not be discharged.

“Cut-mouth John’s” engagement began and ended all the fighting that took place on this occasion, and much disappointment and discontent followed, Nesmith’s mounted force and my dragoons being particularly disgusted because they had not been “given a chance.”  During the remainder of the day we cautiously followed the retreating foe, and late in the evening went into camp a short distance from Father Pandoza’s Mission; where we were to await a small column of troops under command of Captain Maurice Maloney, of the Fourth Infantry, that was to join us from Steilicom by way of the Natchez Pass, and from which no tidings had as yet been received.

Next morning the first thing I saw when I put my head out from my blankets was “Cut-mouth John,” already mounted and parading himself through the camp.  The scalp of the Indian he had despatched the day before was tied to the cross-bar of his bridle bit, the hair dangling almost to the ground, and John was decked out in the sacred vestments of Father Pandoza, having, long before any one was stirring in camp, ransacked the log-cabin at the Mission in which the good man had lived.  John was at all times a most repulsive looking individual, a part of his mouth having been shot away in a fight with Indians near Walla Walla some years before, in which a Methodist missionary had been killed; but his revolting personal appearance was now worse than ever, and the sacrilegious use of Father Pandoza’s vestments, coupled with the ghastly scalp that hung from his bridle, so turned opinion against him that he was soon captured, dismounted, and his parade brought to an abrupt close, and I doubt whether he ever after quite reinstated himself in the good graces of the command.

In the course of the day nearly all the men visited the Mission, but as it had been plundered by the Indians at the outbreak of hostilities, when Father Pandoza was carried off, little of value was left about it except a considerable herd of pigs, which the father with great difficulty had succeeded in accumulating from a very small beginning.  The pigs had not been disturbed by the Indians, but the straggling troops soon disposed of them, and then turned their attention to the cabbages and potatoes in the garden, with the intention, no doubt, of dining that day on fresh pork and fresh vegetables instead of on salt

Project Gutenberg
The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.