Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Teachers, lectures to.

Technical Education. —­address on. —­continuation of his work on the School Board.  —­Report to the Guilds. —­engineers the City and Guilds Institute. —­supply of teachers, speech at the Society of Arts. —­buildings. —­letter on his aims. —­relation of industry to science.  —­Imperial Institute. —­letters to “Times”. —­campaign interrupted by pleurisy. —­at Manchester in the autumn.

Technical education in agriculture.

Teeth, writes on.

Tegumentary organs, article on.

Teleology, see also s.v.  Design

“Tenax propositi”.

Tenby. —­survey work at. —­fossil forest at.

Tennessee, on the geology of.

Tennyson.  —­“Ode on Wellington”. —­in Metaphysical Society. —­death of. —­visits to. —­scientific insight of. —­his talk. —­insensibility to music. —­on Browning’s music. —­funeral. —­poem on.  —­Letter to:  —­thanks for “Demeter”:  envies his vigour.

Tenterden, Lady, at Lynton.

Tethea, on the anatomy of.

Theism, philosophical difficulties of.

Theological doctrines, truth underlying.

Theology, sentimental.

Thompson, Sir Henry, on Clifford’s illness.

Thomson, Archbishop. —­on modern thought and Positivism. —­and Metaphysical Society.

Thomson, John, surgeon on the “Rattlesnake”.

Thomson, Joseph, description of Huxley’s lectures at Edinburgh.

Thomson, Sir W. (Lord Kelvin), reconciliation with Tyndall.

Thomson, Sir Wyville. —­and Bathybius. —­his course at Edinburgh taken by Huxley. —­criticism of Darwin.

Thorpe, Professor, and new University scheme.

Thought, as a “function” of the brain.

—­review of the “Origin” in.

Title, rumoured acceptance of.

Titles, for men of science.

Todd, Dr. R.B., gives up professorship at Kings College.

“Todd’s Cyclopaedia”, writes for.

Tollemache, A., at x Club.

Tomes, Sir John.

Toronto, stands for professorship at.

Training colleges, sectarian.

Trevelyan, Sir C., Under-Secretary Treasury.

Treviranus, not studied by Huxley before 1859.

Trigonia, on the animal of.

—­transatlantic discovery of. 
—­Huxley a fanatic for.

Tug, story of.

Tulloch, Principal.

Turner, W., an appointment to Calcutta Museum.

Tyndall, Mrs. —­letters to:  —­duties of a married daughter. —­forgetfulness. —­an invitation to lunch.

Tyndall, John. —­rejected, like Huxley, at Toronto.  —­Physics for “Saturday Review”. —­joint paper on Glacier Ice. —­joins School of Mines. —­friendship. —­a “madcap” Alpinist. —­on Committee of the “Reader”. —­in Wales with. —­takes Waverley Place house. —­favourite problem in molecular physics. —­and x Club. —­receives Edinburgh

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.