The Crushed Flower and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about The Crushed Flower and Other Stories.

The Crushed Flower and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about The Crushed Flower and Other Stories.
was still burning brightly, and the other, a yellow one, too, was already beginning to blink.  And though there was no wind, that lantern quivered from its own blinking, and everything seemed to quiver slightly.  Yura was about to get up to go into the arbour and there begin life anew, with an imperceptible transition from the old, when suddenly he heard voices in the arbour.  His mother and the wrong Yura Mikhailovich, the officer, were talking.  The right Yura grew petrified in his place; his heart stood still; and his breathing ceased.

Mamma said: 

“Stop.  You have lost your mind!  Somebody may come in here.”

Yura Mikhailovich said: 

“And you?”

Mamma said: 

“I am twenty-six years old to-day.  I am old!”

Yura Mikhailovich said: 

“He does not know anything.  Is it possible that he does not know anything?  He does not even suspect?  Listen, does he shake everybody’s hand so firmly?”

Mamma said: 

“What a question!  Of course he does!  That is—­no, not everybody.”

Yura Mikhailovich said: 

“I feel sorry for him.”

Mamma said: 

“For him?”

And she laughed strangely.  Yurochka understood that they were talking of him, of Yurochka—­but what did it all mean, O Lord?  And why did she laugh?

Yura Mikhailovich said: 

“Where are you going?  I will not let you go.”

Mamma said: 

“You offend me.  Let me go!  No, you have no right to kiss me.  Let me go!”

They became silent.  Now Yurochka looked through the leaves and saw that the officer embraced and kissed mamma.  Then they spoke of something, but he understood nothing; he heard nothing; he suddenly forgot the meaning of words.  And he even forgot the words which he knew and used before.  He remembered but one word, “Mamma,” and he whispered it uninterruptedly with his dry lips, but that word sounded so terrible, more terrible than anything.  And in order not to exclaim it against his will, Yura covered his mouth with both hands, one upon the other, and thus remained until the officer and mamma went out of the arbour.

When Yura came into the room where the people were playing cards, the serious, bald-headed man was scolding papa for something, brandishing the chalk, talking, shouting, saying that father did not act as he should have acted, that what he had done was impossible, that only bad people did such things, that the old man would never again play with father, and so on.  And father was smiling, waving his hands, attempting to say something, but the old man would not let him, and he commenced to shout more loudly.  And the old man was a little fellow, while father was big, handsome and tall, and his smile was sad, like that of Gulliver pining for his native land of tall and handsome people.

Of course, he must conceal from him—­of course, he must conceal from him that which happened in the arbour, and he must love him, and he felt that he loved him so much.  And with a wild cry Yura rushed over to the bald-headed old man and began to beat him with his fists with all his strength.

Project Gutenberg
The Crushed Flower and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.