Problems of Conduct eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 487 pages of information about Problems of Conduct.

Problems of Conduct eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 487 pages of information about Problems of Conduct.

Competition vs. concentration:  C. R. Van Hise, concentration and control, chap.  I. J. W. Jenks, the trust problem.  E. von Halle, trusts and industrial combinations.  F. C. McVey, modern industrialism.  S. C. T. Dodd, combinations, their use and abuse.  R. T. Ely, monopolies and trusts.  C. N. Fay, big business and government.  Edmond Kelly, twentieth century socialism, book ii, chap, ii; book iii, chap.  I. A. J. Eddy, the new competition.  Atlantic Monthly, vol. 79, p. 377.  Forum, vol. 8, p. 61.  Journal of political economy, vol. 20, p. 358.  Labor unions and strikes:  J. R. Commons, trade-unionism and labor problems. Carlton, history and problems of organized labor.  S. and B. Webb, industrial democracy; history of trade unionism.  J. Mitchell, organized labor.  C. R. Henderson, social spirit in America, chap. ix.  Jane Addams, newer ideals of peace, chap. v.  Atlantic monthly, vol. 109, p. 758.  H. R. Seager, I NTRODUCTION to economics, chap. xxi.  F. W. Taussig, principles of economics, chap. 55.  Profit sharing:  W. H. Tolman, social engineering, chap. vii.  Seager, opCit, chap, xxvi, sec. 281.  Adams and Sumner, labor problems, chap.  X. N. P. Gilman, profit sharing; A dividend to labor.  Outlook, vol. 106, p. 627.  Quarterly review, vol. 219, p. 509.  Cooperation:  G. J. Holyoake, history of cooperation.  C. R. Fay, cooperation at home and abroad.  Adams and Sumner, labor problems, chap. x.  Arena, vol. 36, p. 200; vol. 40, p. 632.  H. R. Seager, opCit, sec. 282.  F. W. Taussig, opCit, chap. 59.  Consumers’ leagues:  Publications of the National Consumers’ League (106 East Nineteenth Street, New York City).  Government regulation:  J. W. Jenks, opCit, Appendices.  C. R. Van Hise, opCit, chaps, iii-v.  F. W. Taussig, opCit, chaps. 62,63.  H. R. Seager, opCit, chap. xxv.  C. L. King, regulation of municipal utilities.  J. B. and J. M. Clark, control of the trusts.  E. M. Phelps, Federal control of interstate corporationsAtlantic monthly, vol. iii, p. 433.  Outlook, vol. 99, p. 649; vol. 100, pp. 574, 690; vol. 101, p. 353; vol. 103, p. 476.  North

Project Gutenberg
Problems of Conduct from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.