Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

qai 2. n., water; maana qai, mouth of the stream, a harbor on the northeast coast, south of Aio.

qai 3. v. tr., to load, to fill up.

qaiara n., a command.

qaiaraa n., reward.

qaidori v. tr., to desire.

   qaidoria v. n., desire. dori.

qaiduu v. tr., to revenge.

   qaiduula v. n., vengeance. duu.

qaierisi v. tr., to command, importune.

   qaierisia v. n., a command. erisi.

qaifamanatai v. tr., to instruct.

   qaifamanataila v. n., instruction. manata

qaife; qaife agalo to drive out evil spirits; mwane qaife agalo a witch doctor.

qailangaini v. tr., to wag, nod, waive. langa, up.

qailiu adv., reciprocally, used of mutual action; manata baita fuagamu, qailiu, love one another; lea qailiu, to walk about. liu.

qailiua adj., humble, of low estate.

qaimaasi v. tr., to await, expect. maasi.

qaimanata v. tr., to have mercy upon, pity.

   qaimanataia v. n., mercy. manata.

qaimani 1. v. tr., to help; qaimani fai, qaimani faini, to help; 2. used as prep., together, in company with; 3. v. i., to be reconciled with.

   qaimania with one accord.  S. mani.

qairaofai v. i., to agree with. rao to work.

qaisagali v. tr., to revolt, commit insurrection, take up arms, trouble,vex.

   qaisagalia v. n., an insurrection.

qaisuasuafi v. tr,, to meet, encounter. sua.

qaisusu v. tr., to sacrifice.

   qaisusia v. n., a sacrifice.

qaitaa v. i., to be a stranger; too ni qaitaa, to be a stranger.  S. awataa.

qaitaga v. tr., to cause to scatter.

qaitali v. tr., to be disobedient to.

qala v. i., to lay an accusation; qala fafi, to accuse a person.

qalafi v. tr., to be delivered of a child.

qalu, 1. numeral, eight; e qalu.

   qaluna, ordinal, eighth, for the eighth time.

qalu 2. v. i., to emerge; qalu tafa, to emerge from.  S. waru.

qanga n., thunder, a gun.

     qangafi of the lightning; sinamaaru ka qanagafia, the
     lightning ‘thundered.’

qangareo v. i., to pass by.

qaqalifola v. i., to be pure, clean, fotoqaqalifola, a great calm.

qaqalila adj., cold, of the weather.

qaqaoa adj., white, clean.

qarao a creeper used for tying; an iron nail.  S. wa’arao.

Project Gutenberg
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.