Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

ni 3. interrogative used to (a) call attention; ni ai?  I say, you! (b) in the sense of, is that so?  S. ni.

ni 4. demonstrative attached to ta, one, a; tani aiai, some people; to oto; tani oto ni saiai.  S. ni 3.

ni 5. a detachable prefix; doo nifai, doo ifai, what thing?  S. ni 4.

ni 6. transitive suffix to verbs; mou, mouni.  S. ni.

ni 7. pers. pron. sing, 3. it, used in explanation; na light fuana noni ni maa, the light of the body is the eye; e uta ro si lio ni amu, why are you of two minds?

ni 8. suff. pron. pl. 3. neut; i talani, in their place.  S. ni.

nia personal pronoun sing. 3. he, she, it; used by itself as subj, or follows inia.  S. nge’ie.

niania v. tr., to deny, repudiate.

nifai interrog. pron. what, follows noun; doo nifai, what thing?

nima, ninima 1. (gu) n. hand, arm; ninimana tala, corner of the way, beside the way.  S. nime.

nima 2. for lima five.

nina v. i. to be accustomed to, be able.  S. nina.

noabu sparrow hawk.

noni (gu) n. body, shape, fashion; noni fii, to suffer; noni fiila v. n., suffering; nonilau, to be safe and sound.  Mao tino.

nono v. i., to place the face against, to sniff, to kiss; nono faini, to kiss.

   nonoi v. tr.  S. nono.

nue v. i., to be foolish, dumb.

   nuela v. n., folly.

nui (na) n. a nest.  S. niui.

nuku v. i., to be wrinkled.  S. nuku.

nunulu v. i., to wither.  S. nunulu.


ngado 1. v. i., to be firm; ngado fua, to trust, manata ngado ana, to rely on; too ngado, to remain firm.

ngado 2. i aena ngado, at the very bottom.  S. i ngadona aena, at his feet.

ngae (na); adala i ngaena maa, envy.  S. ngae.

ngaini transitive suffix to verb; saw, saungaini.  S. nga’ini.

ngali 1. v. tr., to take, to receive.

   ngalila v. n., burden.

ngali 2. canarium nut.  S. ngali.

ngangarea adj., deep rooted.

ngasi v. i., to be firm, hard; bae ngasi, to speak sternly.  Florida ngasi, hard.

ngi 1. v. tr., to divide; mangisingisi.

ngi 2. transitive suffix to verb; sau, saungi.  S. ngi.

ngidu (gu) n., lip; ngidu auau fua, to hate.  S. ngidu.

Project Gutenberg
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.