Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

kudo; qae kudona, guiltless,

kukui a dog.  Mao. kuri.

kulu 1. v. tr., to bury at sea.  S. kulu.

kulu 2. cf kanikulu.

kuru 1. a piece, section, kurui bata, a piece of money, ro kurui doo, two sections.

kuru 2. v. i., to be maimed.

kuru 3. v. i., to sink.

kuta v. i., to shake.  S. kute.


la 1. termination of verbal nouns; attached to verbs; mae, to die, maela, death; bae, to speak, baela, speech; the meaning seems to be gerundival and to denote the act of doing a thing.  Cf.  S. la 5.

la 2. termination of the verbal nouns, attached to certain nouns; te, mother, ro mwai telana, mother and daughter; attached to verbs; tasa, ro fe tasala, twice as much.

la 3. adjectival ending; attached to verbs; taga, to be scattered, tagala, promiscuously; tagalo, to be lost, tagalola, lost; teo, teteola; attached to nouns, mwai, mwaila.

labu v. tr., to assault.  S. rapu.

labua n., point, prick, splinter.

lada v. i., to fall down.  S. lada,

lade deep water, secure anchorage.  S. lade.

lado v. tr., to join, knit; lado ae, to follow.

   ladola v. n., a member.

lafi, lalafi v. v. tr., to take up, pull up, draw out, Mota lav.

lafu 1. v. tr., to pull, to wrench, pluck.

lafu 2. to be worn out, old; lafue toongi, old clothes.  S. lahu.

lafusi, lalafusi, v. tr., to be ignorant of.

lai transitive suffix to verb; tege, tegelai.  S. la’i.

lala v. i., to stretch; lala fonosi, protect.  S. lala’i.

lalaba v. i., to walk about.  S. la’alapa.

lalabata, court yard.

lalago v. i., to cling.  S. nanako.

lalano the ground immediately above the beach.

lalanga v. i., to be dry, without coconut milk (of yam puddings), unleavened; usu lalanga to wipe dry.  S. langa.

lali (na) 1. n., root, lali ngado, to be firmly rooted.

lali 2. v. tr., to drive.

lalao v. i., to run.

   lalaoa v. n., a herald.  Mota valago.

lalifu (na) n. corner.

laliqate v. i., to make an oration, to preach.

   laliqatela v. n.  S. wale.

lamua a dove; fe lamua; ta ro fe lamua, two doves.

Project Gutenberg
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.