Smoke Bellew eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about Smoke Bellew.

Smoke Bellew eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about Smoke Bellew.

“Well named,” he muttered, an hour later, as he came out upon its margin.  A clump of aged spruce was the only woods.  On his way to it, he stumbled upon three graves, snow-buried, but marked by hand-hewn head-posts and undecipherable writing.  On the edge of the woods was a small ramshackle cabin.  He pulled the latch and entered.  In a corner, on what had once been a bed of spruce-boughs, still wrapped in mangy furs that had rotted to fragments, lay a skeleton.  The last visitor to Surprise Lake, was Smoke’s conclusion, as he picked up a lump of gold as large as his doubled fist.  Beside the lump was a pepper-can filled with nuggets of the size of walnuts, rough-surfaced, showing no signs of wash.

So true had the tale run that Smoke accepted without question that the source of the gold was the lake’s bottom.  Under many feet of ice and inaccessible, there was nothing to be done, and at midday, from the rim of the palisade, he took a farewell look back and down at his find.

“It’s all right, Mr. Lake,” he said.  “You just keep right on staying there.  I’m coming back to drain you—­if that hoodoo doesn’t catch me.  I don’t know how I got here, but I’ll know by the way I go out.”

In a little valley, beside a frozen stream and under beneficent spruce trees, he built a fire four days later.  Somewhere in that white anarchy he had left behind him was Surprise Lake—­somewhere, he knew not where; for a hundred hours of driftage and struggle through blinding, driving snow had concealed his course from him, and he knew not in what direction lay behind.  It was as if he had just emerged from a nightmare.  He was not sure whether four days or a week had passed.  He had slept with the dogs, fought across a forgotten number of shallow divides, followed the windings of weird canyons that ended in pockets, and twice had managed to make a fire and thaw out frozen moose-meat.  And here he was, well-fed and well-camped.  The storm had passed, and it had turned clear and cold.  The lay of the land had again become rational.  The creek he was on was natural in appearance, and tended as it should toward the southwest.  But Surprise Lake was as lost to him as it had been to all its seekers in the past.

Half a day’s journey down the creek brought him to the valley of a larger stream which he decided was the McQuestion.  Here he shot a moose, and once again each wolf-dog carried a full fifty-pound pack of meat.  As he turned down the McQuestion, he came upon a sled-trail.  The late snows had drifted over, but underneath, it was well packed by travel.  His conclusion was that two camps had been established on the McQuestion, and that this was the connecting trail.  Evidently, Two Cabins had been found, and it was the lower camp, so he headed down the stream.

It was forty below zero when he camped that night, and he fell asleep wondering who were the men who had rediscovered the Two Cabins, and if he would fetch it next day.  At the first hint of dawn he was under way, easily following the half-obliterated trail and packing the recent snow with his webbed shoes so that the dogs should not wallow.

Project Gutenberg
Smoke Bellew from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.