Press Cuttings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 45 pages of information about Press Cuttings.

Press Cuttings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 45 pages of information about Press Cuttings.

Balsquith.  But hang it all—­

Mitchener (intolerantly).  No I wont hang it all.  It’s no use coming to me and talking about public opinion.  You have put yourself into the hands of the army; and you are committed to military methods.  And the basis of all military methods is that when people wont do what they are told to do, you shoot them down.

Balsquith.  Oh, yes; it’s all jolly fine for you and Old Red.  You dont depend on votes for your places.  What do you suppose will happen at the next election?

Mitchener.  Have no next election.  Bring in a Bill at once repealing all the reform Acts and vesting the Government in a properly trained magistracy responsible only to a Council of War.  It answers perfectly in India.  If anyone objects, shoot him down.

Balsquith.  But none of the members of my party would be on the Council of War.  Neither should I. Do you expect us to vote for making ourselves nobodies?

Mitchener.  You’ll have to, sooner or later, or the Socialists will make nobodies of the lot of you by collaring every penny you possess.  Do you suppose this damned democracy can be allowed to go on now that the mob is beginning to take it seriously and using its power to lay hands on property?  Parliament must abolish itself.  The Irish parliament voted for its own extinction.  The English parliament will do the same if the same means are taken to persuade it.

Balsquith.  That would cost a lot of money.

Mitchener.  Not money necessarily.  Bribe them with titles.

Balsquith.  Do you think we dare?

Mitchener (scornfully).  Dare!  Dare!  What is life but daring, man? 
“To dare, to dare, and again to dare”—­

Woman’s voice outside.  Votes for Women!

Mitchener, revolver in hand, rushes to the door and locks it. 
Balsquith hides under the table.

A shot is heard.

Balsquith (emerging in the greatest alarm).  Good heavens, you havent given orders to fire on them have you?

Mitchener.  No; but its a sentinel’s duty to fire on anyone who persists in attempting to pass without giving the word.

Balsquith (wiping his brow).  This military business is really awful.

Mitchener.  Be calm, Balsquith.  These things must happen; they save bloodshed in the long run, believe me.  Ive seen plenty of it; and I know.

Balsquith.  I havent; and I dont know.  I wish those guns didnt make such a devil of a noise.  We must adopt Maxim’s Silencer for the army rifles if we are going to shoot women.  I really couldnt stand hearing it.

Some one outside tries to open the door and then knocks.

Mitchener and Balsquith.  Whats that?

Mitchener.  Whos there?

The orderly.  It’s only me, governor.  Its all right.

Project Gutenberg
Press Cuttings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.