The Innocents Abroad — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 101 pages of information about The Innocents Abroad — Volume 04.

The Innocents Abroad — Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 101 pages of information about The Innocents Abroad — Volume 04.

A committee went ashore to wait on his Excellency the Governor-General, and learn our fate.  At the end of three hours of boding suspense, they came back and said the Emperor would receive us at noon the next day —­would send carriages for us—­would hear the address in person.  The Grand Duke Michael had sent to invite us to his palace also.  Any man could see that there was an intention here to show that Russia’s friendship for America was so genuine as to render even her private citizens objects worthy of kindly attentions.

At the appointed hour we drove out three miles, and assembled in the handsome garden in front of the Emperor’s palace.

We formed a circle under the trees before the door, for there was no one room in the house able to accommodate our three-score persons comfortably, and in a few minutes the imperial family came out bowing and smiling, and stood in our midst.  A number of great dignitaries of the Empire, in undress unit forms, came with them.  With every bow, his Majesty said a word of welcome.  I copy these speeches.  There is character in them—­Russian character—­which is politeness itself, and the genuine article.  The French are polite, but it is often mere ceremonious politeness.  A Russian imbues his polite things with a heartiness, both of phrase and expression, that compels belief in their sincerity.  As I was saying, the Czar punctuated his speeches with bows: 

“Good morning—­I am glad to see you—­I am gratified—­I am delighted—­I am happy to receive you!”

All took off their hats, and the Consul inflicted the address on him.  He bore it with unflinching fortitude; then took the rusty-looking document and handed it to some great officer or other, to be filed away among the archives of Russia—­in the stove.  He thanked us for the address, and said he was very much pleased to see us, especially as such friendly relations existed between Russia and the United States.  The Empress said the Americans were favorites in Russia, and she hoped the Russians were similarly regarded in America.  These were all the speeches that were made, and I recommend them to parties who present policemen with gold watches, as models of brevity and point.  After this the Empress went and talked sociably (for an Empress) with various ladies around the circle; several gentlemen entered into a disjointed general conversation with the Emperor; the Dukes and Princes, Admirals and Maids of Honor dropped into free-and-easy chat with first one and then another of our party, and whoever chose stepped forward and spoke with the modest little Grand Duchess Marie, the Czar’s daughter.  She is fourteen years old, light-haired, blue-eyed, unassuming and pretty.  Every body talks English.

The Emperor wore a cap, frock coat and pantaloons, all of some kind of plain white drilling—­cotton or linen and sported no jewelry or any insignia whatever of rank.  No costume could be less ostentatious.  He is very tall and spare, and a determined-looking man, though a very pleasant-looking one nevertheless.  It is easy to see that he is kind and affectionate There is something very noble in his expression when his cap is off.  There is none of that cunning in his eye that all of us noticed in Louis Napoleon’s.

Project Gutenberg
The Innocents Abroad — Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.