The Mystery of Edwin Drood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Mystery of Edwin Drood.
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The Mystery of Edwin Drood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Mystery of Edwin Drood.
fact.  But for the fact, she might have relieved her own little perplexed heart of some of its doubts and hesitations, by taking Helena into her confidence.  As it was, she had no such vent:  she could only ponder on her own difficulties, and wonder more and more why this avoidance of Edwin’s name should last, now that she knew—­for so much Helena had told her—­that a good understanding was to be reestablished between the two young men, when Edwin came down.

It would have made a pretty picture, so many pretty girls kissing Rosa in the cold porch of the Nuns’ House, and that sunny little creature peeping out of it (unconscious of sly faces carved on spout and gable peeping at her), and waving farewells to the departing coaches, as if she represented the spirit of rosy youth abiding in the place to keep it bright and warm in its desertion.  The hoarse High Street became musical with the cry, in various silvery voices, ‘Good-bye, Rosebud darling!’ and the effigy of Mr. Sapsea’s father over the opposite doorway seemed to say to mankind:  ’Gentlemen, favour me with your attention to this charming little last lot left behind, and bid with a spirit worthy of the occasion!’ Then the staid street, so unwontedly sparkling, youthful, and fresh for a few rippling moments, ran dry, and Cloisterham was itself again.

If Rosebud in her bower now waited Edwin Drood’s coming with an uneasy heart, Edwin for his part was uneasy too.  With far less force of purpose in his composition than the childish beauty, crowned by acclamation fairy queen of Miss Twinkleton’s establishment, he had a conscience, and Mr. Grewgious had pricked it.  That gentleman’s steady convictions of what was right and what was wrong in such a case as his, were neither to be frowned aside nor laughed aside.  They would not be moved.  But for the dinner in Staple Inn, and but for the ring he carried in the breast pocket of his coat, he would have drifted into their wedding-day without another pause for real thought, loosely trusting that all would go well, left alone.  But that serious putting him on his truth to the living and the dead had brought him to a check.  He must either give the ring to Rosa, or he must take it back.  Once put into this narrowed way of action, it was curious that he began to consider Rosa’s claims upon him more unselfishly than he had ever considered them before, and began to be less sure of himself than he had ever been in all his easy-going days.

‘I will be guided by what she says, and by how we get on,’ was his decision, walking from the gatehouse to the Nuns’ House.  ’Whatever comes of it, I will bear his words in mind, and try to be true to the living and the dead.’

Rosa was dressed for walking.  She expected him.  It was a bright, frosty day, and Miss Twinkleton had already graciously sanctioned fresh air.  Thus they got out together before it became necessary for either Miss Twinkleton, or the deputy high-priest Mrs. Tisher, to lay even so much as one of those usual offerings on the shrine of Propriety.

Project Gutenberg
The Mystery of Edwin Drood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.