The Mystery of Edwin Drood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Mystery of Edwin Drood.
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The Mystery of Edwin Drood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

Mr. Jasper was seated at the piano as they came into his drawing-room, and was accompanying Miss Rosebud while she sang.  It was a consequence of his playing the accompaniment without notes, and of her being a heedless little creature, very apt to go wrong, that he followed her lips most attentively, with his eyes as well as hands; carefully and softly hinting the key-note from time to time.  Standing with an arm drawn round her, but with a face far more intent on Mr. Jasper than on her singing, stood Helena, between whom and her brother an instantaneous recognition passed, in which Mr. Crisparkle saw, or thought he saw, the understanding that had been spoken of, flash out.  Mr. Neville then took his admiring station, leaning against the piano, opposite the singer; Mr. Crisparkle sat down by the china shepherdess; Edwin Drood gallantly furled and unfurled Miss Twinkleton’s fan; and that lady passively claimed that sort of exhibitor’s proprietorship in the accomplishment on view, which Mr. Tope, the Verger, daily claimed in the Cathedral service.

The song went on.  It was a sorrowful strain of parting, and the fresh young voice was very plaintive and tender.  As Jasper watched the pretty lips, and ever and again hinted the one note, as though it were a low whisper from himself, the voice became less steady, until all at once the singer broke into a burst of tears, and shrieked out, with her hands over her eyes:  ’I can’t bear this!  I am frightened!  Take me away!’

With one swift turn of her lithe figures Helena laid the little beauty on a sofa, as if she had never caught her up.  Then, on one knee beside her, and with one hand upon her rosy mouth, while with the other she appealed to all the rest, Helena said to them:  ’It’s nothing; it’s all over; don’t speak to her for one minute, and she is well!’

Jasper’s hands had, in the same instant, lifted themselves from the keys, and were now poised above them, as though he waited to resume.  In that attitude he yet sat quiet:  not even looking round, when all the rest had changed their places and were reassuring one another.

‘Pussy’s not used to an audience; that’s the fact,’ said Edwin Drood.  ’She got nervous, and couldn’t hold out.  Besides, Jack, you are such a conscientious master, and require so much, that I believe you make her afraid of you.  No wonder.’

‘No wonder,’ repeated Helena.

’There, Jack, you hear!  You would be afraid of him, under similar circumstances, wouldn’t you, Miss Landless?’

‘Not under any circumstances,’ returned Helena.

Jasper brought down his hands, looked over his shoulder, and begged to thank Miss Landless for her vindication of his character.  Then he fell to dumbly playing, without striking the notes, while his little pupil was taken to an open window for air, and was otherwise petted and restored.  When she was brought back, his place was empty.  ‘Jack’s gone, Pussy,’ Edwin told her.  ’I am more than half afraid he didn’t like to be charged with being the Monster who had frightened you.’  But she answered never a word, and shivered, as if they had made her a little too cold.

Project Gutenberg
The Mystery of Edwin Drood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.