Word Only a Word, a — Complete eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about Word Only a Word, a — Complete.

Word Only a Word, a — Complete eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about Word Only a Word, a — Complete.

When the artist returned from Count von Hochburg’s the next morning, he was not a little surprised to see Ulrich standing before the recruiting-table bright and well.

The lad’s cheeks were glowing with shame and anger, for the clerk of the muster-rolls and paymaster had laughed in his face, when he expressed his desire to become a Lansquenet.

The artist soon learned what was going on, and bade his protege accompany him out of doors.  Kindly, and without either mockery or reproof, he represented to him that he was still far too young for military service, and after Ulrich had confirmed everything the painter had already heard from the jester, Moor asked who had given him instruction in drawing.

“My father, and afterwards Father Lukas in the monastery,” replied the boy.  “But don’t question me as the little man did last night.”

“No, no,” said his protector.  “But there are one or two more things I wish to know.  Was your father an artist?”

“No,” murmured the lad, blushing and hesitating.  But when he met the stranger’s clear gaze, he quickly regained his composure, and said: 

“He only knew how to draw, because he understood how to forge beautiful, artistic things.”

“And in what city did you live?”

“In no city.  Outside in the woods.”

“Oho!” said the artist, smiling significantly, for he knew that many knights practised a trade.  “Answer only two questions more; then you shall be left in peace until you voluntarily open your heart to me.  What is your name?”


“I know that; but your father’s?”


“And what else?”

Ulrich gazed silently at the ground, for the smith had borne no other name.

“Well then,” said Moor, “we will call you Ulrich for the present; that will suffice.  But have you no relatives?  Is no one waiting for you at home?”

“We have led such a solitary life—­no one.”

Moor looked fixedly into the boy’s face, then nodded, and with a well-satisfied expression, laid his hand on Ulrich’s curls, and said: 

“Look at me.  I am an artist, and if you have any love for my profession, I will teach you.”

“Oh!” cried the boy, clasping his hands in glad surprise.

“Well then,” Moor continued, “you can’t learn much on the way, but we can work hard in Madrid.  We are going now to King Philip of Spain.”

“Spain, Portugal!” murmured Ulrich with sparkling eyes; all he had heard in the doctor’s house about these countries returned to his mind.

“Fortune, good fortune!” cried an exultant voice in his heart.  This was the “word,” it must be, it was already exerting its spell, and the spell was to prove its inherent power in the near future.

Project Gutenberg
Word Only a Word, a — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.