Barbara Blomberg — Volume 10 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about Barbara Blomberg — Volume 10.

Barbara Blomberg — Volume 10 eBook

Georg Ebers
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about Barbara Blomberg — Volume 10.

Barbara and her friends greeted the stern duke as a noble champion of the faith, who was resolved to do his utmost.  The new bishoprics, which by Granvelle’s advice had been established, the foreign soldiers, and the Spanish Inquisition, which pursued the heretics with inexorable harshness, had roused the populace to unprecedented turmoil, and induced them to resist the leading nobles, who were indebted to the King for great favours, to the intense wrath of these aristocrats and the partisans of Spain.

Barbara, with all her party, had welcomed the new bishoprics as an arrangement which promised many blessings, and the foreign troops seemed to her necessary to maintain order in the rebellious Netherlands.  The cruelty of the Inquisition was only intended to enforce respect for the edicts which the Emperor Charles, in his infallible wisdom, had issued, and the hatred which the nobles, especially, displayed against Granvelle, Barbara’s kind patron, the greatest statesman of his time and the most loyal servant of his King, seemed to her worthy of the utmost condemnation.

The scorn with which the rebels, after the compromise signed by the highest nobles, had called themselves Geusen, or Beggars, and endangered repose, would have been worthy of the severest punishment.  What induced these people to risk money and life for privileges which a wise policy of the government—­this was the firm conviction of those who shared Barbara’s views—­could not possibly grant, was incomprehensible to her, and she watched the course of the rebels with increasing aversion.  Did they suppose their well-fed magistrates and solemn States-General, who never looked beyond their own city and country, would govern them better than the far-sighted wisdom of a Granvelle or the vast intellect of a Viglius, which comprised all the knowledge of the world?

What they called their liberties were privileges which a sovereign bestowed.  Ought they to wonder if another monarch, whom they had deeply angered, did not regard them as inviolable gifts of God?  The quiet comfort of former days had been clouded, nay, destroyed, by these patriots.  Peace could be restored only by the King’s silencing them.  So she wished the Spaniards a speedy success, and detested the efforts of independent minds; above all, of William of Orange, their only too clear-sighted, cautious, devoted leader, also skilled in the arts of dissimulation, in whom she recognised the most dangerous foe of Spanish sovereignty and the unity of the Church.

When, by the Duke of Alba’s orders, the Counts Egmont and Horn were executed one June day in the market place of Brussels, opinions, even of members of the Spanish party, were divided, especially as Count Egmont was a Catholic, and had acted finally according to the views of the government.

Barbara sincerely lamented his terrible end, for she had seen in him a brilliant model for her John.  In hours of depression, the sudden fall of this favourite of the people seemed like an evil omen.  But she would not let these disquieting thoughts gain power over her, for she wished at last to enjoy life and, as the mother of such a son, felt entitled to do so.

Project Gutenberg
Barbara Blomberg — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.