Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01.

Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01.

’Jean left him in no doubt on the subject.  She brought to his recollection the story of the stolen sow, and mentioned how much pain and vexation it had given her.  Like other philosophers, she remarked that the world grew worse daily; and, like other parents, that the bairns got out of her guiding, and neglected the old gipsy regulations, which commanded them to respect in their depredations the property of their benefactors.  The end of all this was an inquiry what money the farmer had about him; and an urgent request, or command, that he would make her his purse-keeper, since the bairns, as she called her sons, would be soon home.  The poor farmer made a virtue of necessity, told his story, and surrendered his gold to Jean’s custody.  She made him put a few shillings in his pocket, observing, it would excite suspicion should he be found travelling altogether penniless.

’This arrangement being made, the farmer lay down on a sort of shake-down, as the Scotch call it, or bed-clothes disposed upon some straw, but, as will easily be believed, slept not.

’About midnight the gang returned, with various articles of plunder, and talked over their exploits in language which made the farmer tremble.  They were not long in discovering they had a guest, and demanded of Jean whom she had got there.

’"E’en the winsome gudeman of Lochside, poor body,” replied Jean; “he’s been at Newcastle seeking for siller to pay his rent, honest man, but deil-be-lickit he’s been able to gather in, and sae he’s gaun e’en hame wi’ a toom purse and a sair heart.”

“’That may be, Jean,” replied one of the banditti, “but we maun ripe his pouches a bit, and see if the tale be true or no.”  Jean set up her throat in exclamations against this breach of hospitality, but without producing any change in their determination.  The farmer soon heard their stifled whispers and light steps by his bedside, and understood they were rummaging his clothes.  When they found the money which the providence of Jean Gordon had made him retain, they held a consultation if they should take it or no; but the smallness of the booty, and the vehemence of Jean’s remonstrances, determined them in the negative.  They caroused and went to rest.  As soon as day dawned Jean roused her guest, produced his horse, which she had accommodated behind the hallan, and guided him for some miles, till he was on the highroad to Lochside.  She then restored his whole property; nor could his earnest entreaties prevail on her to accept so much as a single guinea.

’I have heard the old people at Jedburgh say, that all Jean’s sons were condemned to die there on the same day.  It is said the jury were equally divided, but that a friend to justice, who had slept during the whole discussion, waked suddenly and gave his vote for condemnation in the emphatic words, “Hang them a’!” Unanimity is not required in a Scottish jury, so the verdict of guilty was returned.  Jean was present, and only said, “The Lord help

Project Gutenberg
Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.