Peter Schlemihl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 138 pages of information about Peter Schlemihl.

Peter Schlemihl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 138 pages of information about Peter Schlemihl.

In order to drive them away I threw gold by handfuls among them, and sprang into a hackney-coach which some compassionate spectators sent to my rescue.

As soon as I found myself alone in the rolling vehicle I began to weep bitterly.  I had by this time a misgiving that, in the same degree in which gold in this world prevails over merit and virtue, by so much one’s shadow excels gold; and now that I had sacrificed my conscience for riches, and given my shadow in exchange for mere gold, what on earth would become of me?

As the coach stopped at the door of my late inn, I felt much perplexed, and not at all disposed to enter so wretched an abode.  I called for my things, and received them with an air of contempt, threw down a few gold pieces, and desired to be conducted to a first-rate hotel.  This house had a northern aspect, so that I had nothing to fear from the sun.  I dismissed the coachman with gold; asked to be conducted to the best apartment, and locked myself up in it as soon as possible.

Imagine, my friend, what I then set about?  O my dear Chamisso! even to thee I blush to mention what follows.

I drew the ill-fated purse from my bosom; and, in a sort of frenzy that raged like a self-fed fire within me, I took out gold—­gold—­ gold—­more and more, till I strewed it on the floor, trampled upon it, and feasting on its very sound and brilliancy, added coins to coins, rolling and revelling on the gorgeous bed, until I sank exhausted.

Thus passed away that day and evening; and as my door remained locked, night found me still lying on the gold, where, at last, sleep overpowered me.

Then I dreamed of thee, and fancied I stood behind the glass door of thy little room, and saw thee seated at thy table between a skeleton and a bunch of dried plants; before thee lay open the works of Haller, Humboldt, and Linnaeus; on thy sofa a volume of Goethe, and the Enchanted Ring.  I stood a long time contemplating thee, and everything in thy apartment; and again turning my gaze upon thee, I perceived that thou wast motionless—­thou didst not breathe—­thou wast dead.

I awoke—­it seemed yet early—­my watch had stopped.  I felt thirsty, faint, and worn out; for since the preceding morning I had not tasted food.  I now cast from me, with loathing and disgust, the very gold with which but a short time before I had satiated my foolish heart.  Now I knew not where to put it—­I dared not leave it lying there.  I examined my purse to see if it would hold it,—­ impossible!  Neither of my windows opened on the sea.  I had no other resource but, with toil and great fatigue, to drag it to a huge chest which stood in a closet in my room; where I placed it all, with the exception of a handful or two.  Then I threw myself, exhausted, into an arm-chair, till the people of the house should be up and stirring.  As soon as possible I sent for some refreshment, and desired to see the landlord.

Project Gutenberg
Peter Schlemihl from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.