Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales eBook

John Oxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 328 pages of information about Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales.

Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales eBook

John Oxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 328 pages of information about Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales.

I estimate my distance this day to be about fifteen miles, on a north-east course.

July 10.—­The country worse than yesterday, being exceeding low and marshy, with many thick scrubs.  About eleven o’clock it opened, being more thinly clothed with the acacia pendula:  having travelled about ten miles, we arrived on the borders of a large apparent plain, on which I had proceeded about two miles, when we were suddenly stopped by deep water among reeds; from hence I could distinctly see Arbuthnot’s Range, the north end of which bore N. 101., and the other part connected by a low range bore from N. 108 to N. 112.

The country from north-west to north-east was open with the horizon, being covered with water and reeds, as far as the eye could distinguish; we saw immense numbers of wild ducks, many black swans, pelicans, and birds resembling the sea gannet:  I altered my course to east, and shortly afterwards to south-east.

I estimate the distance travelled this day to be eighteen miles.  Being rather late, we were much at a loss to find a place dry enough to sleep on:  the north end of Arbuthnot’s Range bore N. 98.

July 11.—­Finding our efforts to travel in any direction north of east useless, I altered my course for the north end of Arbuthnot’s Range.  The country continuing nearly as yesterday, brushes and marshes alternately, having gone about twelve miles, the last quarter of a mile of which was at an almost imperceptible rise above the general level, I came to the edge of a river, the stream of which was thirty or fort yards wide, but the bed nearly one hundred yards, the banks being eight or nine feet high:  I forded it in the middle of a very long reach bearing north and south, the stream clear, and running gently from the south, about three feet deep, over a fine sandy bottom.  After crossing this river, I proceeded onwards about four miles, and halted on the edge of a brush, having travelled sixteen or seventeen miles.

July 12.—­After proceeding about four miles, we crossed a small stream from the south-east; the country perfectly level, not a perceptible rise in any direction, save Arbuthnot’s Range:  the space travelled over to-day was a complete marsh, the soil good, being clearly alluvial.  It will be impossible for heavy loaded horses to walk over the country, traversed by us these last three days; the trouble we have had is more than can well be imagined.  Travelled fifteen miles.

July 13.—­A very cold morning, set off at sunrise:  at the sixth mile arrived on an open plain, over which was rather better travelling than we had latterly experienced.  Finding it unlikely that we should reach the range, at least in time to view the country from it, I thought it best, as I had no time to spare, to keep more southerly for a lofty eminence about two miles distant, and apparently of easy ascent:  this mount afforded me a most extensive prospect.  The south extreme of Arbuthnot’s

Project Gutenberg
Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.