Travels in England in 1782 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about Travels in England in 1782.

Travels in England in 1782 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about Travels in England in 1782.

They were differently employed—­some talking together, some playing, and some had their books in their hands, and were reading; but I was soon obliged to get out of their sight, they stared at me so as I came along, all over dust, with my stick in my hand.

As I entered the inn, and desired to have something to eat, the countenance of the waiter soon gave me to understand that I should there find no very friendly reception.  Whatever I got they seemed to give me with such an air as showed too plainly how little they thought of me, and as if they considered me but as a beggar.  I must do them the justice to own, however, that they suffered me to pay like a gentleman.  No doubt this was the first time this pert, bepowdered puppy had ever been called on to wait on a poor devil who entered their place on foot.  I was tired, and asked for a bedroom where I might sleep.  They showed me into one that much resembled a prison for malefactors.  I requested that I might have a better room at night; on which, without any apology, they told me that they had no intention of lodging me, as they had no room for such guests, but that I might go back to Slough, where very probably I might get a night’s lodging.

With money in my pocket, and a consciousness, moreover, that I was doing nothing that was either imprudent, unworthy, or really mean, I own it mortified and vexed me to find myself obliged to put up with this impudent ill-usage from people who ought to reflect that they are but the servants of the public, and little likely to recommend themselves to the high by being insolent to the low.  They made me, however, pay them two shillings for my dinner and coffee, which I had just thrown down, and was preparing to shake off the dust from my shoes, and quit this inhospitable St. Christopher, when the green hills of Windsor smiled so friendly upon me, that they seemed to invite me first to visit them.

And now trudging through the streets of Windsor, I at length mounted a sort of hill; a steep path led me on to its summit, close to the walls of the castle, where I had an uncommonly extensive and fine prospect, which so much raised my heart, that in a moment I forgot not only the insults of waiters and tavern-keepers, but the hardship of my lot in being obliged to travel in a manner that exposed me to the scorn of a people whom I wished to respect.  Below me lay the most beautiful landscapes in the world—­all the rich scenery that nature, in her best attire, can exhibit.  Here were the spots that furnished those delightful themes of which the muse of Denham and Pope made choice.  I seemed to view a whole world at once, rich and beautiful beyond conception.  At that moment what more could I have wished for?

And the venerable castle, that royal edifice which, in every part of it, has strong traces of antiquity, smiles through its green trees, like the serene countenance of some hoary sage, who, by the vigour of a happy constitution, still retains many of the charms of youth.

Project Gutenberg
Travels in England in 1782 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.