The Way We Live Now eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,349 pages of information about The Way We Live Now.
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The Way We Live Now eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,349 pages of information about The Way We Live Now.
Buy The Way We Live Now eBook

‘Oh yes.’

‘And what does Marie say?’

‘That you must fix the day.’

’We’ll have it very soon then;—­some time next month.  You’ll want to get away in August.  And to tell the truth so shall I. I never was worked so hard in my life as I’ve been this summer.  The election and that horrid dinner had something to do with it.  And I don’t mind telling you that I’ve had a fearful weight on my mind in reference to money.  I never had to find so many large sums in so short a time!  And I’m not quite through it yet.’

‘I wonder why you gave the dinner then.’

’My dear boy,’&mdash...

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The Way We Live Now from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.