Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

Beechcroft at Rockstone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Beechcroft at Rockstone.

’But, Kally, you don’t consider.  What am I to say to my aunt?  What will she think of you?’

’I can’t help that!  I cannot do this while she could feel I was conniving at what she might not like.  Indeed, I cannot.  I beg your pardon, but it goes against me.  When shall you be able to hear from Lady Merrifield?’

’I wrote three weeks ago.  I suppose I shall hear about half-way through December, and you know they could telegraph if they wanted to stop it, so I think you might be satisfied.’

Still Kalliope could not be persuaded, and finally, as a sort of compromise, Gillian decided on saying that she would think about it and give her answer at Christmas; to which she gave a reluctant assent, with one more protest that if there were no objection to the lessons, she could not see why Miss Mohun should not know of them.

Peace was barely restored before voices were heard, and in came Fergus, bringing Alexis with him.  They had met on the beach road in front of the works, and Fergus, being as usual full of questions about a crane that was swinging blocks of stone into a vessel close to the little pier, his aunt had allowed him to stay to see the work finished, after which Alexis would take him to join his sister.

So it came about that they all walked home together very cheerfully, though Gillian was still much vexed under the surface at Kalliope’s old-maidish particularity.

However, the aunts were not as annoyed at the delay as she expected.  Miss Mohun said she would look out some papers that would be convincing and persuasive, and that it might be as well not to enrol Miss White too immediately before the Christmas festivities, but to wait till the books were begun next year.  Plans began to prevail for the Christmas diversions and entertainments, but the young Merrifields expected to have nothing to do with these, as they were to meet the rest of the family at their eldest uncle’s house at Beechcroft; all except Harry, who was to be ordained in the Advent Ember week, and at once begin work with his cousin David Merrifield in the Black Country.  Their aunts would not go with them, as Beechcroft breezes, though her native air, were too cold for Adeline in the winter, and Jane could leave neither her, nor her various occupations, and the festivities of all Rockstone.

It is not easy to say which Gillian most looked forward to:  Mysie’s presence, or the absence of the supervision which she imagined herself to suffer from, because she had set herself to shirk it.  She knew she should feel more free.  But behold! a sudden change, produced by one morning’s letters.

‘It is a beastly shame!’

‘Oh, Fergus!  That’s not a thing to say,’ cried Valetta.

’I don’t care!  It is a beastly shame not to go to Beechcroft, and be poked up here all the holidays.’

‘But you can’t when Primrose has got the whooping-cough.’

Project Gutenberg
Beechcroft at Rockstone from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.