Quotations from John L. Motley Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Quotations from John L. Motley Works.

Quotations from John L. Motley Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Quotations from John L. Motley Works.

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1577 by Motley[#28][jm28v10.txt]4828

Country would bear his loss with fortitude
Its humility, seemed sufficiently ironical
Not upon words but upon actions
Perfection of insolence
Was it astonishing that murder was more common than fidelity?

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1577-78 by Motley[#29][jm29v10.txt]4829

Absurd affectation of candor
Always less apt to complain of irrevocable events
Imagined, and did the work of truth
Judas Maccabaeus
Neither ambitious nor greedy
Superfluous sarcasm

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1578 by Motley[#30][jm30v10.txt]4830

Difficult for one friend to advise another in three matters
Establish not freedom for Calvinism, but freedom for conscience
Taxes upon income and upon consumption
Toleration thought the deadliest heresy of all

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1578 by Motley[#31][jm31v10.txt]4831

Are apt to discharge such obligations—­(by) ingratitude
Like a man holding a wolf by the ears
Local self-government which is the life-blood of liberty
No man ever understood the art of bribery more thoroughly
Not so successful as he was picturesque
Plundering the country which they came to protect
Presumption in entitling themselves Christian
Protect the common tranquillity by blood, purse, and life
Republic, which lasted two centuries
Throw the cat against their legs
Worship God according to the dictates of his conscience

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1579-80 by Motley[#32][jm32v10.txt]4832

All the majesty which decoration could impart
Amuse them with this peace negotiation
Conflicting claims of prerogative and conscience
It is not desirable to disturb much of that learned dust
Logical and historical argument of unmerciful length
Mankind were naturally inclined to calumny
Men were loud in reproof, who had been silent
More easily, as he had no intention of keeping the promise
Not to fall asleep in the shade of a peace negotiation
Nothing was so powerful as religious difference
On the first day four thousand men and women were slaughtered
Power grudged rather than given to the deputies
The disunited provinces
There is no man who does not desire to enjoy his own
To hear the last solemn commonplaces
Word-mongers who, could clothe one shivering thought

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1580-82 by Motley[#33][jm33v10.txt]4833

Character of brave men to act, not to expect
Colonel Ysselstein, “dismissed for a homicide or two”
God has given absolute power to no mortal man
Hope delayed was but a cold and meagre consolation
Natural to judge only by the result
No authority over an army which they did not pay
Unduly dejected in adversity

Project Gutenberg
Quotations from John L. Motley Works from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.