The American Senator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about The American Senator.

The American Senator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about The American Senator.
when she got back to Marygold Place.  “My dear, he won’t marry you; but he is to give you 8,000 pounds.”  That was what she would have to say, but she doubted her own courage to put her story into words so curt and explanatory.  Even at thirty 400 pounds a year has not the charms which accompany it to eyes which have seen sixty years.  She remained in town that night and the next day, and went down by train to Basingstoke on the following morning with her heart not altogether free from trepidation.

Lord Rufford, the very moment that the interview was over, started off to his lawyer.  Considering how very little had been given to him the sum he was to pay was prodigious.  In his desire to get rid of the bore of these appeals, he had allowed himself to be foolishly generous.  He certainly never would kiss a young lady in a carriage again,—­nor even lend a horse to a young lady till he was better acquainted with her ambition and character.  But the word had gone from him and he must be as good as his word.  The girl must have her 8,000 pounds and must have it instantly.  He would put the matter into such a position that if any more interviews were suggested, he might with perfect safety refer the suggester back to Miss Trefoil.  There was to be secrecy, and he would be secret as the grave.  But in such matters one’s lawyer is the grave.  He had proposed that two lawyers should arrange it.  Objection had been made to this, because Lady Augustus had no lawyer ready;—­but on his side some one must be employed.  So he went to his own solicitor and begged that the thing might be done quite at once.  He was very definite in his instructions, and would listen to no doubts.  Would the lawyer write to Miss Trefoil on that very day;—–­or rather not on that very day but the next.  As he suggested this he thought it well that Lady Augustus should have an opportunity of explaining the transaction to her daughter before the lawyer’s letter should be received.  He had, he said, his own reason for such haste.  Consequently the lawyer did prepare the letter to Miss Trefoil at once, drafting it in his noble client’s presence.  In what way should the money be disposed so as best to suit her convenience?  The letter was very short with an intimation that Lady Augustus would no doubt have explained the details of the arrangement.

When Lady Augustus reached Marygold the family were at lunch, and as strangers were present nothing was said as to the great mission.  The mother had already bethought herself how she must tell this and that lie to the Connop Greens, explaining that Lord Rufford had confessed his iniquity but had disclosed that, for certain mysterious reasons, he could not marry Arabella,—­though he loved her better than all the world.  Arabella asked some questions about her mother’s shopping and general business in town, and did not leave the room till she could do so without the slightest appearance of anxiety.  Mrs. Connop Green marvelled at her coolness knowing

Project Gutenberg
The American Senator from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.