The American Senator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about The American Senator.

The American Senator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about The American Senator.
to her.  It had never occurred to him to expect conduct such as that with which she greeted him.  The old woman got up and looked at him sternly.  “My nephew, Reginald,” said Lady Ushant, supposing that some introduction might be necessary.  Mrs. Morton gathered the folds of her dress together and without a word stalked out of the room.  And yet she believed,—­she could not but believe,—­that her grandson was on his deathbed in the room, above!

“O Reginald, what are we to?” said Lady Ushant.

“Is she like that to you?”

“She told me last night that I was a stranger, and that I ought to leave the house.”

“And what did you say?”

“I told her I should stay while he wished me to stay.  But it is all so terrible, that I think I had better go.”

“I would not stir a step—­on her account.”

“But why should she be so bitter?  I have done nothing to offend her.  It is more than half of even my long lifetime since I saw her.  She is nothing; but I have to think of his comfort.  I suppose she is good to him; and though he may bid me stay such scenes as this in the house must be a trouble to him.”  Nevertheless Reginald was strong in opinion that Lady Ushant ought not to allow herself to be driven away, and declared his own purpose of coming daily as had of late been his wont.

Soon after this Reginald was summoned to go upstairs and he again met the angry woman in the passage, passing her of course without a word.  And then Mary came to see her friend, and she also encountered Mrs. Morton, who was determined that no one should come into that house without her knowledge.  “Who is that young woman?” said Mrs. Morton to the old housekeeper.

“That is Miss Masters, my Lady.”

“And who is Miss Masters,—­and why does she come here at such a time as this?”

“She is the daughter of Attorney Masters, my Lady.  It was she as was brought up here by Lady Ushant”

“Oh,—­that young person.”

“She’s come here generally of a day now to see her ladyship.”

“And is she taken up to my grandson?”

“Oh dear, no, my Lady.  She sits with Lady Ushant for an hour or so and then goes back with Mr. Reginald.”

“Oh—­that is it, is it?  The house is made use of for such purposes as that!”

“I don’t think there is an purposes, my Lady,” said Mrs. Hopkins, almost roused to indignation, although she was talking to the acknowledged mistress of the house whom she always called “my lady.”

Lady Ushant told the whole story to her young friend, bitterly bewailing her position.  “Reginald tells me not to go, but I do not think that I can stand it.  I should not mind the quarrel so much,—­ only that he is so ill.”

“She must be a very evil-minded person.”

“She was always arrogant and always hard.  I can remember her just the same; but that was so many years ago.  She left Bragton then because she could not banish his mother from the house.  But to bear it all in her heart so long is not like a human being;—­let alone a woman.  What did he say to you going home yesterday?”

Project Gutenberg
The American Senator from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.