Confessions of a Beachcomber eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Confessions of a Beachcomber.

Confessions of a Beachcomber eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Confessions of a Beachcomber.

For several weeks there was little done save to build a kitchen and shed and widen the clearing in the forest.  Inspection of the details of our domain was reserved as a sort of reward for present task and toil.  According to the formula neatly printed in official journals, the building of a slab hut is absurdly easy—­quite a pastime for the settler eager to get a roof of bark or thatch over his head.  The frame, of course, goes up without assistance, and then the principal item is the slabs for walls.  When you have fallen your tree and sawn off a block of the required length, you have only to split off the slab.  Ah! but suppose the timber does not split freely, and your heavy maul does; and the wedges instead of entering have the habit of bouncing out as if they were fitted with internal springs, and your maul wants renewal several times, until you find that the timber prescribed is of no account for such tools; and at best your slabs run off to nothing at half length, and several trees have to be cut down before you get a single decent slab, and everybody is peevish with weariness and disappointment, the rudest house in the bush will be a long time in the building.  “Experience is a hard mistress, yet she teacheth as none other.”  We came to be more indebted to the hard mistress—­she gave us blistering palms and aching muscles—­than to all the directions and prescriptions of men who claim to have climbed to the top of the tree in the profession of the “bush.”  A “bush” carpenter is a very admirable person, when he is not also a bush lawyer.  Mere amateurs would be wise if they held their enthusiasm in check when they read the recipe—­pat as the recipe for the making of a rice-pudding—­for the construction of even a bark hut.  It is so very easy to write it all down; but if you have had no actual experience in bark-cutting, and your trees are not in the right condition, you will put your elation to a shockingly severe test, harden the epidermis of your hands, and the whole of your heart, and go to bed many nights sadly ere you get one decent sheet for your roof.

We do not all belong to the ancient and honourable family of the Swiss Robinsons, who performed a series of unassuming miracles on their island.  There was no practical dispensation of providential favours on our behalf.  Trees that had the reputation of providing splendid splitting timber defiantly slandered themselves, and others that should have almost flayed themselves at the first tap of the tomahawk had not the slightest regard for the reputation vouched for in serious publications.

But why “burden our remembrance with a heaviness that’s gone?” Why recall the memory of those acheful days, when all the pleasant and restful features of the island are uncatalogued?  Before the rains began we had comfortable if circumscribed shelter.  Does not that suffice?  Our dwelling consisted of one room and a kitchen.  Perforce the greater part of our time was spent out of doors.  Isolation kept us moderately free from visitors.  Those who did violate our seclusion had to put up with the consequences.  We had purchased liberty.  Large liberties are the birthright of the English.  We had acquired most of the small liberties, and the ransom paid was the abandonment of many things hitherto deemed to form an integral part of existence.

Project Gutenberg
Confessions of a Beachcomber from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.