Six Short Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about Six Short Plays.

Six Short Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about Six Short Plays.

Keith. [Moved and restless] You must know what Larry is.  He’ll never stick to you.

Wanda. [Simply] He will, sir.

Keith. [Energetically] The last man on earth to stick to anything!  But for the sake of a whim he’ll risk his life and the honour of all his family.  I know him.

Wanda.  No, no, you do not.  It is I who know him.

Keith.  Now, now!  At any moment they may find out your connection with that man.  So long as Larry goes on with you, he’s tied to this murder, don’t you see?

Wanda. [Coming close to him] But he love me.  Oh, sir! he love me!

Keith.  Larry has loved dozens of women.

Wanda.  Yes, but——­[Her face quivers].

Keith. [Brusquely] Don’t cry!  If I give you money, will you disappear, for his sake?

Wanda. [With a moan] It will be in the water, then.  There will be no cruel men there.

Keith.  Ah!  First Larry, then you!  Come now.  It’s better for you both.  A few months, and you’ll forget you ever met.

Wanda. [Looking wildly up] I will go if Larry say I must.  But not to live.  No! [Simply] I could not, sir.

     [Keith, moved, is silent.]

I could not live without Larry.  What is left for a girl like me—­ when she once love?  It is finish.

Keith.  I don’t want you to go back to that life.

Wanda.  No; you do not care what I do.  Why should you?  I tell you I will go if Larry say I must.

Keith.  That’s not enough.  You know that.  You must take it out of his hands.  He will never give up his present for the sake of his future.  If you’re as fond of him as you say, you’ll help to save him.

Wanda. [Below her breath] Yes!  Oh, yes!  But do not keep him long from me—­I beg! [She sinks to the floor and clasps his knees.]

Keith.  Well, well!  Get up.

     [There is a tap on the window-pane]


     [A faint, peculiar whistle. ]

Wanda. [Springing up] Larry!  Oh, thank God!

     [She runs to the door, opens it, and goes out to bring him in. 
     Keith stands waiting, facing the open doorway.]

     [Larry entering with Wanda just behind him.]

Larry.  Keith!

Keith. [Grimly] So much for your promise not to go out!

Larry.  I’ve been waiting in for you all day.  I couldn’t stand it any longer.

Keith.  Exactly!

Larry.  Well, what’s the sentence, brother?  Transportation for life and then to be fined forty pounds’?

Keith.  So you can joke, can you?

Larry.  Must.

Keith.  A boat leaves for the Argentine the day after to-morrow; you must go by it.

Project Gutenberg
Six Short Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.