Plays : Fifth Series eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Plays .

Plays : Fifth Series eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Plays .

Mrs March. [To faith] Have you thought of anything to do, if you leave here?

Faith.  Yes.

Johnny.  What?

Faith.  I shan’t say.

Johnny.  Of course, she’ll just chuck herself away.

Faith.  No, I won’t.  I’ll go to a place I know of, where they don’t want references.

Johnny.  Exactly!

Mrs March. [To faith] I want to ask you a question.  Since you came out, is this the first young man who’s kissed you?

     Faith has hardly had time to start and manifest what may or may not
     be indignation when Mr March dashes his hands through his hair.

Mr March.  Joan, really!

Johnny. [Grimly] Don’t condescend to answer!

Mrs March.  I thought we’d met to get at the truth.

Mary.  But do they ever?

Faith.  I will go out!

Johnny.  No! [And, as his back is against the door, she can’t] I’ll see that you’re not insulted any more.

Mr March.  Johnny, I know you have the best intentions, but really the proper people to help the young are the old—­like—­

     Faith suddenly turns her eyes on him, and he goes on rather

—­your mother.  I’m sure that she and I will be ready to stand by Faith.

Faith.  I don’t want charity.

Mr March.  No, no!  But I hope—­

Mrs March.  To devise means.

Mr March. [Roused] Of course, if nobody will modify their attitude —­Johnny, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, and [To Mrs March] so ought you, Joan.

Johnny. [Suddenly] I’ll modify mine. [To faith] Come here—­close! [In a low voice to faith] Will you give me your word to stay here, if I make them keep you?

Faith.  Why?

Johnny.  To stay here quietly for the next two years?

Faith.  I don’t know.

Johnny.  I can make them, if you’ll promise.

Faith.  You’re just in a temper.

Johnny.  Promise!

     During this colloquy the marches have been so profoundly uneasy that
     Mrs March has poured out another glass of brandy.

Mr March.  Johnny, the terms of the Armistice didn’t include this sort of thing.  It was to be all open and above-board.

Johnny.  Well, if you don’t keep her, I shall clear out.

     At this bombshell Mrs March rises.

Mary.  Don’t joke, Johnny!  You’ll do yourself an injury.

Johnny.  And if I go, I go for good.

Mr March.  Nonsense, Johnny!  Don’t carry a good thing too far!

Project Gutenberg
Plays : Fifth Series from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.