Plays : Third Series eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Plays .

Plays : Third Series eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Plays .

Ann.  He was perfectly sober all the time he was there.

Wellwyn.  My dear, they only allow them milk.

Ann.  Well, anyway, he was reformed.

Wellwyn.  Ye-yes!

Ann. [Terribly.] Daddy!  You’ve been seeing him!

Wellwyn. [With dignity.] My dear, I have not.

Ann.  How do you know, then?

Wellwyn.  Came across Sir Thomas on the Embankment yesterday; told me old Timso—­had been had up again for sitting down in front of a brewer’s dray.

Ann.  Why?

Wellwyn.  Well, you see, as soon as he came out of the what d’you call ’em, he got drunk for a week, and it left him in low spirits.

Bertley.  Do you mean he deliberately sat down, with the intention—­of—­er?

Wellwyn.  Said he was tired of life, but they didn’t believe him.

Ann.  Rather a score for Sir Thomas!  I suppose he’d told the
Professor?  What did he say?

Wellwyn.  Well, the Professor said [with a quick glance at Bertley] he felt there was nothing for some of these poor devils but a lethal chamber.

Bertley. [Shocked.] Did he really!

[He has not yet caught Wellwyn’ s glance.]

Wellwyn.  And Sir Thomas agreed.  Historic occasion.  And you, Vicar

     [Bertley winces.]

Ann. [To herself.] Well, there isn’t.

Bertley.  And yet!  Some good in the old fellow, no doubt, if one could put one’s finger on it. [Preparing to go.] You’ll let us know, then, when you’re settled.  What was the address? [Wellwyn takes out and hands him a card.] Ah! yes.  Good-bye, Ann.  Good-bye, Wellyn. [The wind blows his hat along the street.] What a wind! [He goes, pursuing.]

Ann. [Who has eyed the card askance.] Daddy, have you told those other two where we’re going?

Wellwyn.  Which other two, my dear?

Ann.  The Professor and Sir Thomas.

Wellwyn.  Well, Ann, naturally I——­

Ann. [Jumping on to the dais with disgust.] Oh, dear!  When I’m trying to get you away from all this atmosphere.  I don’t so much mind the Vicar knowing, because he’s got a weak heart——­

     [She jumps off again. ]

Wellwyn. [To himself.] Seventh floor!  I felt there was something.

Ann. [Preparing to go.] I’m going round now.  But you must stay here till the van comes back.  And don’t forget you tipped the men after the first load.

Wellwyn.  Oh!  Yes, yes. [Uneasily.] Good sorts they look, those fellows!

Ann. [Scrutinising him.] What have you done?

Wellwyn.  Nothing, my dear, really——!

Ann.  What?

Project Gutenberg
Plays : Third Series from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.