The Blue Fairy Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about The Blue Fairy Book.

The Blue Fairy Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about The Blue Fairy Book.
became still as death again, and the boy heard something chewing outside the barn door, so he stole as softly as he could to the door, which was slightly ajar, and again there was a horse standing close by the wall of the house, eating and chewing, and it was far larger and fatter than the first horse, and it had a saddle on its back, and a bridle was on it too, and a full suit of armor for a knight, all of bright silver, and as beautiful as anyone could wish to see.  “Ho, ho!” thought the boy, “is it thou who eatest up our hay in the night? but I will put a stop to that.”  So he took out his steel for striking fire, and threw it over the horse’s mane, and the beast stood there as quiet as a lamb.  Then the boy rode this horse, too, away to the place where he kept the other, and then went home again.

“I suppose you will tell us that you have watched well again this time,” said the brothers.

“Well, so I have,” said Cinderlad.  So they went there again, and there the grass was, standing as high and as thick as it had been before, but that did not make them any kinder to Cinderlad.

When the third St. John’s night came neither of the two elder brothers dared to lie in the outlying barn to watch the grass, for they had been so heartily frightened the night that they had slept there that they could not get over it, but Cinderlad dared to go, and everything happened just the same as on the two former nights.  There were three earthquakes, each worse than the other, and the last flung the boy from one wall of the barn to the other, but then everything suddenly became still as death.  When he had lain quietly a short time, he heard something chewing outside the barn door; then he once more stole to the door, which was slightly ajar, and behold, a horse was standing just outside it, which was much larger and fatter than the two others he had caught.  “Ho, ho! it is thou, then, who art eating up our hay this time,” thought the boy; “but I will put a stop to that.”  So he pulled out his steel for striking fire, and threw it over the horse, and it stood as still as if it had been nailed to the field, and the boy could do just what he liked with it.  Then he mounted it and rode away to the place where he had the two others, and then he went home again.  Then the two brothers mocked him just as they had done before, and told him that they could see that he must have watched the grass very carefully that night, for he looked just as if he were walking in his sleep; but Cinderlad did not trouble himself about that, but just bade them go to the field and see.  They did go, and this time too the grass was standing, looking as fine and as thick as ever.

Project Gutenberg
The Blue Fairy Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.