Number Seventeen eBook

Louis Tracy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Number Seventeen.

Number Seventeen eBook

Louis Tracy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Number Seventeen.

“I doubt whether Wong Li Fu and his associates would have dared to offer you any real violence,” he said.  “At the worst, I suppose, they might have retained you as a hostage.”

“A hostage for what?”

“For their claim against Mr. Forbes.”

“But what has he done?  He has never been in China.”

“He is a power in the financial world.  If the reform party cannot borrow money the movement will collapse.  At any rate that is what the Manchus believe, and they will strain every nerve to effect their purpose.”

“But why did they kill poor Mrs. Lester?”

Theydon felt that he was getting into deep water.  This clear-sighted girl would soon have the various threads of the enigma in her hands, and then she could not fail but discover the true meaning of Edith Lester’s death.

“That phase of the problem has yet to be solved,” was his noncommittal reply.

Winter rejoined them somewhat hurriedly.  He looked puzzled and rather irritated.

“Furneaux has made an arrest,” he said.  “A Chinaman, described as Len Shi, is lodged in the cells at Bow Street, on a charge of being concerned in the Innesmore Mansions murder.  Furneaux is out, and that is all they know at the Yard.  What I cannot understand is why no inquiry has been made by telephone or otherwise concerning Miss Forbes’s flight to Eastbourne.”

The words had hardly left his mouth when the bell of a telephone on the table jangled.  The coincidence was so peculiar that Winter laughed.

“Some other person shares my opinion, I fancy,” he said.  “May I answer, Miss Forbes?”

“Please do,” said the girl, and the chief inspector lifted the receiver from its hook.

“Trunk call from London; you’re through,” announced the hotel operator.  After a slight pause, an agitated voice said:  “Is that you, Evelyn?""Miss Forbes is here,” said Winter.  “Who is speaking?”

“Her father,” was the reply.

“Oh, I’m Chief Inspector Winter of Scotland Yard.  Your daughter is quite safe, Mr. Forbes.  Mr. Theydon and I accompanied her from London.  She will speak to you in an instant.  Would you mind telling me what happened at one o’clock, when my colleague, Mr. Furneaux, jumped on to your car and went in pursuit of some one?”

“First, is Mrs. Forbes there, too?”

“She is out with a picnic party on Beachy Head.  We expect her back before six o’clock.  I propose bringing her and Miss Forbes to London tonight.  They will be safer in your house than in Eastbourne, as you will probably agree when you hear what a narrow escape your daughter had this afternoon from being kidnaped by Wong Li Fu.”

“Great Heavens!  Evelyn in danger from that scoundrel!”

“Yes.  But all is well, believe me.  Owing to Mr. Theydon’s promptitude and pertinacity, Wong Li Fu’s scheme was defeated.  Your daughter will make everything clear.  Give me the barest summary of events after your departure from Innesmore Mansions, and I’ll get out of the way.”

Project Gutenberg
Number Seventeen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.