Scenes and Characters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Scenes and Characters.

Scenes and Characters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Scenes and Characters.

‘Then they were saved?’ cried Phyllis, breathlessly; ’and what became of them afterwards?’

’They were both killed in battle, the officer, I believe, in Badajoz, and the sergeant sometime afterwards.’

Phyllis gave a deep sigh, and sat silent for some minutes.  Next, Claude began a droll Irish fairy-tale, which he told with spirit and humour, such as some people would have scorned to exert for the amusement of a mere child.  Phyllis laughed, and was so happy, that when suddenly they heard the sound of wheels, she started up, wondering what brought the others home so soon, and was still more surprised when Claude told her it was past ten.

’Oh dear! what will papa and Emily say to me for being up still?  But I will stay now, it would not be fair to pretend to be gone to bed.’

‘Well said, honest Phyl; now for the news from the castle.’

‘Why, Claude,’ said his eldest brother, entering, ’you are alive again.’

‘I doubt whether your evening could have been pleasanter than ours,’ said Claude.

‘Phyl,’ cried Ada, ’do you know, Mary Carrington’s governess thought I was Florence’s sister.’

‘You look so bright, Claude,’ said Jane, ’I think you must have taken Cinderella’s friend with the pumpkin to enliven you.’

‘My fairy was certainly sister to a Brownie,’ said Claude, stroking Phyllis’s hair.

‘Claude,’ again began Ada, ‘Miss Car—­’

‘I wish Cinderella’s fairy may be forthcoming the day of the ball,’ said Lily, disconsolately.

‘And William is going after all,’ said Emily.

‘Indeed! has the great Captain relented?’

’Yes.  Is it not good of him?  Aunt Rotherwood is so much pleased that he consents to go entirely to oblige her.’

‘Sensible of his condescension,’ said Claude.  ’By the bye, what makes the Baron look so mischievous?’

‘Mischievous!’ said Emily, looking round with a start, ’he is looking very comical, and so he has been all the evening.’

’What?  You thought mischievous was meant in Hannah’s sense, when she complains of Master Reginald being very mischie-vi-ous.’

Ada now succeeded in saying, ‘The Carringtons’ governess called me Lady Ada.’

‘How could she bring herself to utter so horrid a sound?’ said Claude.

‘Ada is more cock-a-hoop than ever now,’ said Reginald; ’she does not think Miss Weston good enough to speak to.’

’But, Claude, she really did, she thought I was Florence’s sister, and she said I was just like her.’

‘I wish you would hold your tongue, or go to bed,’ said William, ’I have heard nothing but this nonsense all the way home.’

While William was sending off Ada to bed, and Phyllis was departing with her, Lily told Claude that the Captain had been most agreeable.  ‘I feared,’ said she, ’that he would be too grand for this party, but he was particularly entertaining; Rotherwood was quite eclipsed.’

Project Gutenberg
Scenes and Characters from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.