The River War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about The River War.

The River War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 456 pages of information about The River War.

The news of the capture of Abu Hamed was carried swiftly by camel and wire to all whom it might concern.  The Sirdar, anticipating the result, had already ordered the gunboats to commence the passage of the Fourth Cataract.  The camp at Railhead sprang to life after an unaccustomed rest, and the line began again to grow rapidly.  The Dervishes who were hurrying from Berber were only twenty miles from Abu Hamed when they met the fugitives.  They immediately turned back, and retired to the foot of the Fifth Cataract, whence after a few days’ halt they continued their retreat.  Their proximity to the captured village shows how little time the column had to spare, and that General Hunter was wise to press his marches.  The Emir who commanded at Berber heard of the loss of the outpost on the 9th.  He sent the messenger on to Metemma.  Mahmud replied on the 11th that he was starting at once with his whole army to reinforce Berber.  Apparently, however, he did not dare to move without the Khalifa’s permission; for his letters, as late as the 20th, show that he had not broken his camp, and was still asking the Emir for information as to the doings of the ‘Turks.’  Of a truth there was plenty to tell.

On the 4th of August the gunboats El Teb and Tamai approached the Fourth Cataract to ascend to the Abu Hamed-Berber reach of the river.  Major David was in charge of the operation.  Lieutenants Hood and Beatty (Royal Navy) commanded the vessels.  Two hundred men of the 7th Egyptians were towed in barges to assist in hauling the steamers in the difficult places.  The current was, however, too strong, and it was found necessary to leave three barges, containing 160 soldiers, at the foot of the rapids.  Nevertheless, as the cataract was not considered a very formidable barrier, Major David determined to make the attempt.  Early on the 5th, therefore, the Tamai tried the ascent.  About 300 local Shaiggia tribesmen had been collected, and their efforts were directed—­or, as the result proved, mis-directed—­by those few of the Egyptian soldiers who had not been left behind.  The steamer, with her engines working at full speed, succeeded in mounting half the distance.  But the rush of water was then so great that her bows were swept round, and, after a narrow escape of capsizing, she was carried swiftly down the stream.

The officers thought that this failure was due to the accidental fouling of a rope at a critical moment, and to the fact that there were not enough local tribesmen pulling at the hawsers.  Four hundred more Shaiggia were therefore collected from the neighbouring villages, and in the afternoon the Teb attempted the passage.  Her fortunes were far worse than those of the Tamai.  Owing to the lack of co-operation and discipline among the local tribesmen, their utter ignorance of what was required of them, and the want of proper supervision, the hauling power was again too weak.  Again the bows of the steamer were swept round, and, as the

Project Gutenberg
The River War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.