Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

378 o Pass on ourselves a Salique Law.] The Salique Law is a law in France, whereby it is enacted, that no female shall inherit that crown.


Advowtry:  Adultery
Animalia:  Animals (L.)
Arsie-versie:  Upside-down
Aruspicy:  Prophesying, fortune-telling
Bachrach:  Wine from Bacharach, in Germany
Bavin:  A bundle of firewood
Boutefeu:  Arsonist or (literal or metaphorical) firebrand
Cacodaemon:  An evil Spirit
Caldes’d:  Cheated
Calendae:  The 1st or 2nd of the month
Calleche:  A carriage with two wheels and a folding hood
Camelion:  A giraffe
Camisado:  An attack by night, during which the attackers wore
shirts over their armour so they could recognise one another
Cane & Angue pejus:  Worse than a dog or a snake (L.)
Caperdewsie:  The stocks
Capoch’d:  Pulled off the hoods
Caprich:  A caprice
Carbonading:  Thrashing, beating
Carroch:  A stately or luxurious carriage
Catasta:  The stocks
Cawdie:  A military cadet
Cawdle:  Soup or gruel
Ceruse:  White lead used as a cosmetic
Champaign:  Champagne wine
Champain:  Countryside
Chous’d, choust, chows’d:  Cheated
Chowse:  A cheat’s victim
Classis:  The elders and pastors of all the Presbyterian
congregations in a district
Coincidere:  To come together (L.)
Congees:  Bows, curtseys
Conster:  Construe, explain
Conventicle:  Secret or illegal religious meetings
Covins:  Conspiracies
Cucking-stool:  A stool to which a malefactor (often an unfaithful
wife) was tied, to be exposed to public ridicule, or ducked in a
pond or river. 
Curship:  The title of being a cur —­ pun on “worship”
Curule:  An ivory chair used as a mayor’s throne
Deletory:  That which wipes out or destroys
Deodand:  In English law an article which had caused a man’s death
was ordered by the court to be a forfeited as a deodand (Ad Deo
dandum — to be given to God).  Before the reformation it or its value
was given to the Church; afterwards to the local landowner. 
Dewtry:  A stupefying drink made from the Indian thorn-apple
Dialectico:  A philosophical point of argument
Dictum factum:  No sooner said than done (L.)
Disparo:  To separate (L.)
Donzel:  A young page or squire
Drazel:  A slut
Ducatoon:  An Italian silver coin, worth about 6 shillings. 
Ejusdem generis:  Of the same kind (L.)
Enucleate:  To explain the meaning of
Ex parte:  On behalf of (L.)
Exaun:  A religious establishment not under the authority of the
local bishop
Fadging:  Fitting
Feme-covert:  A woman under the protection of a husband ( a legal
Ferk:  Beat, whip
Festina lente:  Make haste slowly (L.)
Fingle-fangle:  A whimsical or fantastic idea
Fother:  A cart-load
Fulhams:  Loaded dice
Ganzas:  The birds which the hero of a popular

Project Gutenberg
Hudibras from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.