Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

751 o Transform them into Rams, &c.] The Sirens according to the poets, were three sea-monsters, half women and half fish:  their names were Parthenope, Lignea and Leucosia.  Their usual residence was about the island of Sicily, where, by the charming melody of their voices, they used to detain those that heard them, and then transform them into some sort of brute animals.

755 p By the Husband Mandrake, &c.] Naturalists report, that if a male and female Mandrake lie near each other, there will often be heard a sort of murmuring noise.

797 q The World is but two Parts, &c.] The equinoctial divides the globe into North and South.

819 r Unless among the Amazons, &c.] The Amazons were women of Scythia, of heroick and great atchievements.  They suffered no men to live among them; but once every year used to have conversation with men, of the neighbouring countries, by which if they had a male child, they presently either killed or crippled it; but if a female, they brought it up to the use of arms, and burnt off one breast, leaving the other to suckle girls.

865 s The Nymphs of chaste Diana’s &c.] Diana’s Nymphs, all of whom vowed perpetual virginity, and were much celebrated for the exact observation of their vow.

866 t Lewkner’s Lane.] Some years ago swarmed with notoriously lascivious and profligate strumpets.

877 u The Reason of it is &c.] Demanding the clergy of her belly, which, for the reasons aforesaid, is pleaded in excuse by those who take the liberty to oblige themselves and friends.

1086 w As Ironside or HARDIKNUTE, &c.] Two famous and valiant princes of this country; the one a Saxon, the other a Dane.

1131 x But those that trade in Geomancy, &c.] The Lapland Magi.  The Laplanders are an idolatrous people, far North:  and it is very credibly reported, by authors and persons that have travelled in their country, that they do perform things incredible by what is vulgarly called Magick.

1158 y To burning with, &c.] An allusion to cauterizing in apoplexies, &c.

1321 z The Queen of Night, &c.] The moon influences the tides, and predominates over all humid bodies; and persons distempered in mind are called Lunaticks.

1344 a And growing to thy Horse, &c.] The Centaurs were a people of Thessaly, and supposed to be the first managers of horses; and the neighbouring inhabitants never having seen any such thing before, fabulously reported them monsters, half men and half horses.

1423 b Sir (quoth the Voice) &c.] Sophi is at present the name of the kings of Persia, not superadded, as Pharaoh was to the kings of Egypt, but the name of the family itself, and religion of Hali; whose descendants by Fatimas, Mahomet’s daughter, took the name of Sophi.

1451 c Wear wooden Peccadillos &c.] Peccadillos were stiff pieces that went about the neck; and round about the shoulders, to pin the band, worn by persons nice in dressing; his wooden one is a pillory.

Project Gutenberg
Hudibras from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.