The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,285 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Complete.

The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,285 pages of information about The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Complete.

Vulcan, Aetnean king! burn out with fire
The shining eye of this thy neighbouring monster! 
And thou, O Sleep, nursling of gloomy Night, 605
Descend unmixed on this God-hated beast,
And suffer not Ulysses and his comrades,
Returning from their famous Trojan toils,
To perish by this man, who cares not either
For God or mortal; or I needs must think
That Chance is a supreme divinity,
And things divine are subject to her power.

606 God-hated 1824; God-hating (as an alternative) B.

Soon a crab the throat will seize
Of him who feeds upon his guest,
Fire will burn his lamp-like eyes 615
In revenge of such a feast! 
A great oak stump now is lying
In the ashes yet undying. 
Come, Maron, come! 
Raging let him fix the doom,
Let him tear the eyelid up
Of the Cyclops—­that his cup
May be evil! 
Oh!  I long to dance and revel
With sweet Bromian, long desired, 625
In loved ivy wreaths attired;
Leaving this abandoned home—­
Will the moment ever come?

Be silent, ye wild things!  Nay, hold your peace,
And keep your lips quite close; dare not to breathe, 630
Or spit, or e’en wink, lest ye wake the monster,
Until his eye be tortured out with fire.

Nay, we are silent, and we chaw the air.

Come now, and lend a hand to the great stake
Within—­it is delightfully red hot. 635

You then command who first should seize the stake
To burn the Cyclops’ eye, that all may share
In the great enterprise.

We are too far;
We cannot at this distance from the door
Thrust fire into his eye.

And we just now 640
Have become lame! cannot move hand or foot.

The same thing has occurred to us,—­our ankles
Are sprained with standing here, I know not how.

What, sprained with standing still?

And there is dust
Or ashes in our eyes, I know not whence. 645

Cowardly dogs! ye will not aid me then?

With pitying my own back and my back-bone,
And with not wishing all my teeth knocked out,
This cowardice comes of itself—­but stay,
I know a famous Orphic incantation 650
To make the brand stick of its own accord
Into the skull of this one-eyed son of Earth.

Of old I knew ye thus by nature; now
I know ye better.—­I will use the aid
Of my own comrades.  Yet though weak of hand 655
Speak cheerfully, that so ye may awaken
The courage of my friends with your blithe words.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.