Black Caesar's Clan : a Florida Mystery Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about Black Caesar's Clan .

Black Caesar's Clan : a Florida Mystery Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about Black Caesar's Clan .

“We’ll talk about that, afterward,” he said, ungraciously.  “I suppose it’s the only thing a white man can do, after the chap risked his life for me, to-night.  But I’d rather give him ten times his wages—­money to get out and keep out.”

“Thanks, neighbor!” said Brice, to himself, from the depths of his stage-faint.  “I’ve no doubt you would.  But the cards are running the other way.”

Again, his eyes apparently shut, he watched through slitted lids the progress of Claire, as she passed out of the hall, toward the kitchen quarters.  She was leading the reluctant Bobby Burns away, by the collar.  Standish was just behind her, and had his back turned to Gavin.  But he glanced at him, suddenly, over his shoulder, and then strode swiftly forward to close the door which Claire had left open behind her on her way to the kitchen wing of the house.

Something in the big man’s action aroused in Brice the mystic sixth sense he had been at much pains to develop,—­a sense which often enabled him to guess instinctively at an opponent’s next probable move.  As Milo took his first step toward the open door, Brice went into action.

Both hands slipped into his pockets, and out again.  As he withdrew them, one hand held his battered but patently solid gold watch.  The other gripped his roll of bills and as much of his small change as he had been able to scoop up in one rapid grab.

On the stand at the head of the couch reposed a fat tobacco jar and pipes.  The jar was more than half full.  Into it, Gavin Brice dumped his valuables, and with a clawing motion, scraped a handful of loose tobacco over them.  Then he returned to his former inertly supine posture.

The whole maneuver had not occupied three seconds.  And, by the time Standish had the door closed and had started back toward the couch, the watch and money were safe-hidden.  At that, there had been little enough time to spare.  It had been a matter of touch-and-go.  Nothing but the odd look he had read in Milo’s face as Standish had glanced at him over his shoulder, would have led Brice to take such a chance.  But, all at once, it had seemed a matter of stark necessity.

The narrow escape from detection set his strained nerves to twitching.  He muttered to himself: 

“Come along then, you man-mountain!  You wanted to get your sister out of the way, so you could go through my clothes and see if I was lying about being flat broke and if I had any incriminating papers on me.  Come along, and search!  If I hadn’t brains enough to fool a chucklehead, like you, I’d go out of the business and take in back-stairs to clean!”

Milo was approaching the couch, moving with a stealthy lightness, unusual in so large a man.  Leaning over the supposedly unconscious Gavin, he ran his fingers deftly through Brice’s several pockets.  In only two was he lucky to find anything.

From a trousers pocket he exhumed seventy-eight cents.  From the inner pocket of the coat he extracted a card, postmarked “New York City,” and addressed to “Gavin Brice, General Delivery, Miami, Florida.”  The postcard was inscribed, in a scrawling hand: 

Project Gutenberg
Black Caesar's Clan : a Florida Mystery Story from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.