The Game of Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Game of Logic.

The Game of Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Game of Logic.

He is a-person-whom-I-sent-to-bring-me-a-kitten;
He is a-person-who-brought-me-a-kettle-by-mistake.

The latter form seems best, as the interest of the anecdote clearly depends on his stupidity—­not on what happened to me.  Let us then make m = “he”; x = “persons whom I sent, &c.”; and y = “persons who brought, &c.”

Hence, All m are x;
All m are y. and the required Diagram is

|       |       |
|    ---|---    |
|   | 1 | 0 |   |
|   | 0 | 0 |   |
|    ---|---    |
|       |       |

7.  Both Diagrams employed.

| 0 |   |
1.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   All y are x’.
| 1 |   |
|   | 1 |
2.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   Some x are y’; or, Some y’ are x.
|   |   |
|   |   |
3.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   Some y are x’; or, Some x’ are y.
| 1 |   |
|   |   |
4.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   No x’ are y’; or, No y’ are x’.
|   | 0 |
| 0 |   |
5.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   All y are x’.  i.e.   All black rabbits
| 1 |   |        are young.
|   |   |
6.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   Some y are x’.  i.e.  Some black
| 1 |   |        rabbits are young.
| 1 | 0 |
7.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   All x are y.  i.e.  All well-fed birds
|   |   |        are happy.
|   |   |  i.e.   Some x’ are y’.  i.e.   Some birds,
8.  |—–­|—–­|        that are not well-fed, are unhappy;
|   | 1 |        or, Some unhappy birds are not
-------         well-fed.
| 1 | 0 |
9.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   All x are y.  i.e.   John has got a
|   |   |        tooth-ache.
|   |   |
10.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   No x’ are y.  i.e.   No one, but John,
| 0 |   |        has got a tooth-ache.
| 1 |   |
11.  |—–­|—–­|  i.e.   Some x are y.  i.e.  Some one, who
|   |   |        has taken a walk, feels better.
| 1 |   |  i.e.   Some x are y.  i.e.   Some one,
12.  |—–­|—–­|        whom I sent to bring me a kitten,
|   |   |        brought me a kettle by mistake.
|       |     0 |
|    ---|---    |
|   | 0 | 0 |   |
13.  |-1-|---|---|---|        -------
|   |   |   |   |       |   | 0 |
|    ---|---    |       |---|---|
|       |     0 |       |   |   |
---------------         -------

Let “books” be Universe; m="exciting”,
x="that suit feverish patients”; y="that make
one drowsy”.

No m are x; &there4 No y’ are x. 
All m’ are y.

i.e.  No books suit feverish patients, except such as make
one drowsy.

Project Gutenberg
The Game of Logic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.