The Game of Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Game of Logic.

The Game of Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Game of Logic.
|     |     |
|     x     |
|     x’    |
|     |     |

1.  All y are x.

2.  Some y are not-x.

3.  No not-x are not-y.

4.  Some x are not-y.

5.  Some not-y are x.

6.  No not-x are y.

7.  Some not-x are not-y.

8.  All not-x are not-y.

9.  Some not-y exist.

10.  No not-x exist.

11.  Some y are x, and some are not-x.

12.  All x are y, and all not-y are not-x.

[See pp. 62, 3]

Taking “nations” as Universe; x="civilised”;

13.  No uncivilised nation is warlike.

14.  All unwarlike nations are uncivilised.

15.  Some nations are unwarlike.

16.  All warlike nations are civilised, and all civilised nations are warlike.

17.  No nation is uncivilised.


Taking “crocodiles” as Universe; x="hungry”; and

18.  All hungry crocodiles are unamiable.

19.  No crocodiles are amiable when hungry.

20.  Some crocodiles, when not hungry, are amiable; but some are not.

21.  No crocodiles are amiable, and some are hungry.

22.  All crocodiles, when not hungry, are amiable; and all unamiable crocodiles are hungry.

23.  Some hungry crocodiles are amiable, and some that are not hungry are unamiable.

[See pp. 63, 4]

5.  Smaller Diagram.

Symbols to be interpreted.

|     |     |
|     x     |
|     x’    |
|     |     |
-------             -------
|   |   |           |   |   |
1.  |---|---|       2.  |---|---|
| 1 |   |           |   | 0 |
-------             -------
-------             -------
|   | 1 |           |   |   |
3.  |---|---|       4.  |---|---|
|   | 0 |           | 0 | 0 |
-------             -------

Taking “houses” as Universe; x="built of brick”; and y="two-storied”; interpret

-------             -------
| 0 |   |           |   |   |
5.  |---|---|       6.  |---|---|
| 0 |   |           |   -   |
-------             ---|---
-------             -------
|   | 0 |           |   |   |
7.  |---|---|       8.  |---|---|
|   |   |           | 0 | 1 |
-------             -------

[See p. 65]

Taking “boys” as Universe; x="fat”; and y="active”;

-------             -------
| 1 | 1 |           |   | 0 |
9.  |---|---|      10.  |---|---|
|   |   |           |   | 1 |
-------             -------
-------             -------
| 0 | 1 |           | 1 |   |
11.  |---|---|      12.  |---|---|
|   | 0 |           | 0 | 1 |
-------             -------

Taking “cats” as Universe; x="green-eyed”; and y="good-tempered”; interpret

Project Gutenberg
The Game of Logic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.